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Home » Washington Healthy Youth Coalition

Washington Healthy Youth Coalition

Meeting agendas and notes

The Washington Healthy Youth (WHY) Coalition, formerly known as the Washington Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking (RUaD), is a partnership of Washington State government agencies and organizations with the mission to prevent and reduce underage alcohol and marijuana use. The WHY Coalition acts as the Underage Drinking & Youth Marijuana Misuse/Abuse Prevention Work Group for the State Prevention Enhancement (SPE) Policy Consortium

How did the Coalition start?

The Coalition was formed by a seven-member team who attended the 2005 National Meeting on Underage Drinking Prevention. Leaders of key Washington state agencies participated in the meeting and agreed to partner to reduce underage drinking. The Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery brought the agencies together as a Coalition, and continues to support ongoing efforts at the state level and in communities to prevent youth substance use.    


To reduce the percentage of 10th graders who use alcohol and/or marijuana.


The WHY Coalition meets monthly at rotating state agencies. The group has one work group:

  • Communications Team

One key ongoing activity is the WHY Coalition's support and maintenance of the Start Talking Now website, a state-wide resource for parents. 

Considerations for using the terminology cannabis or marijuana document

WHY Teams 2022 Scope and Action Plan


Washington State Agencies
Department of Health (DOH)
Department of Licensing
Health Care Authority, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (HCA, DBHR)
Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB)
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC)
Washington State Patrol (WSP)
Educational Service District 113 (ESD113)
Washington Juvenile Court Administration (WAJCA)


Statewide Organizations
College Coalition on Substance misuse, Advocacy, and Prevention (CCSAP)
Foundation for Healthy Generations
Northwest High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (NW-HIDTA)
Washington Association of Juvenile Court Administrators
Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs (WASPC)
Washington Association of Substance Abuse & Violence Prevention (WASAVP)
Washington Poison Center 
Washington State Parent Teacher Association
Prevention Voices. Please reach out to Linda Thompson for information. 


Leadership and Staff Support
Co-Chair - Harrison Fontaine, DBHR
Co-Chair - Kristen Haley, LCB






All meetings held virtually.


January 21

agenda  |  notes  |  meeting documents

February 18

agenda  |  notes  |  meeting documents

March 18

agenda  |  notes  |  meeting documents

April 15

agenda  |  notes  |  meeting documents

May 20

Meeting Cancelled

June 24

agenda  |  notes  |  meeting documents

August 19

agenda  |  notes  |  meeting documents

September 16

Meeting Cancelled

October 21

agenda  |  notes   meeting documents

December 2

agenda  |  notes  |  meeting documents

Harrison Fontaine
Prevention System Manager