The site for substance use disorder prevention and mental health promotion professionals and volunteers.

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Prevention 101

This is a resource library for you to learn about new prevention concepts, access data, or to find sample meeting agendas or reports. This page is intended to be a one-stop-shop for Washington State prevention providers to find and share appropriate samples of tools and learning resources that they can use.

Excellence in Prevention Strategies List

This is a searchable database of prevention strategies. Strategies described in this list come from three primary resources, the National Registry of Effective Prevention Programs (NREPP), a separate list of programs identified as evidence-based by the State of Oregon, and “Scientific Evidence for Developing a Logic Model on Underage Drinking: A Reference Guide for Community Environmental Prevention.”


Intro to the field of prevention

Are you just getting started? Look here for easy to use explanation about what is, and isn’t, prevention. This section also includes information about prevention practices and research about common strategies.


Planning frameworks

Let’s do something!  Most researchers agree that community-based prevention works best when community organizers follow an established planning framework. The framework provides structure for the work and a report card about how much progress has been made. Highlighted in the section are the Communities That Care (CTC) and Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) planning frameworks.


Community Library

Find important documents and resources by using the key word search or the filters to find what you may need.  This menu will provide excellent materials and resources for prevention practitioners.


Best practices toolkit


Prevention and mental health news


Definitions and foundations