Current funding opportunities

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Current Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) funding opportunities and grants

Application Due:
On December 2, 2024, Governor Inslee issued a directive that instituted a freeze for all state agencies to follow. This freeze meant that all procurements and contracts that do not meet the exemption criteria are to be paused indefinitely.
This Funding Opportunity Announcement is currently paused due to the freeze, as our agency assesses whether an exemption can be made. An announcement will be made when the directive is lifted and this procurement is in motion again, with an updated date for the application to go live.
Should you have any questions on the freezing of this Funding Opportunity, please reach out to Erin Lamouret at

**Please disregard application due date, as this opportunity is not live.
Application Due:
The Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery has identified funding to provide financial support for prevention partners to attend various conferences. These conferences provide training on prevention theory, strategic planning, coalition development, cultural competency, reducing health disparities, community organizing, and/or the Strategic Prevention Framework. These conferences are open to all interested individuals. Only registration costs can be covered by these scholarships.

Prior funding opportunities from the Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery

Curious as to what types of funding opportunities have been available in the past? Visit this page for more information.

Other funding opportunities

This list contains current funding opportunities related to substance abuse prevention or mental health promotion that are not from HCA.

Application Due:
Organizations working to prevent illicit drug use within Northwest HIDTA counties* are eligible to apply for funding. The two-year funding period will begin on July 1, 2025 and end on June 30, 2027. Organizations can apply for a maximum of $50,000.00 per year ($100,000.00 total).

*Northwest HIDTA counties include Benton, Clark, Cowlitz, Grant, Franklin, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Pierce, Skagit, Snohomish, Spokane, Thurston, Whatcom, and Yakima.