News from HCA’s Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery

The Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) has identified funding to provide financial support for prevention partners to attend…

Exciting news! The Outcomes Report feature is now live in Minerva 2.0 under the Evaluate Channel for all users!

An Outcomes Report is one…

Thank you to those who joined us at the 2024 Washington State Prevention Summit and annual provider meeting in Seattle, WA. It was a great success…


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Community Library

The Athena Forum’s Community Library makes various prevention resources readily available for use by substance use disorder prevention and mental health promotion professionals and volunteers statewide. The Community Library is comprised of handouts, templates, risk profiles, publications, brochures, guidance, and reference tools. Providers can also use this shared space to upload coalition-developed publications, such as newsletters, and earned media that highlights local work.