Best practices toolkit

Washington's Best Practices for Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Guide

This resource guide (or, "Toolkit") was created to provide prevention coalitions, community-based organizations, schools, tribes and other prevention partners with information and tools to achieve the best possible outcomes for youth and families.

The Health Care Authority (HCA) administers state and federal funding to provide training and support for implementing evidence-based, innovative and culturally appropriate and relevant programs to prevent adolescent use of alcohol, marijuana and other drugs. Our goal is to reach all prevention providers in our state with research about what works, and the resources available to put this knowledge into practice.

As prevention professionals, you play a critical role in using and promoting this information for successful program planning and implementation in your communities. We encourage you to share this information with your partners and policy-makers. Using effective practices to address the risk and protective factors for substance use has far-reaching benefits by increasing the overall health, wellness and success of individuals, families and communities.

Below you will find links to PDF version of each document in the Toolkit. The documents are public-funded resources.

Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Promotion toolkit cover
Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Spanish toolkit cover




Document image
(click to enlarge)
Document title and link to PDF HCA document number
Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Promotion toolkit's over page
Overview HCA 82-0065
A parent's guide to raising drug-free kids pamphlet cover
A parent's guide to raising drug-free kids spanish pamphlet cover

A parent's guide to raising drug-free kids (in English)

Una guía para padres para criar hijos libres de drogas (en Español)

HCA 82-0058

HCA 82-0058 SP

Prevention Tools: what works, what doesn't toolkit cover
Prevention tools: What works, what doesn't
(created by Joe Neigel, Monroe Community Coalition Coordinator)
HCA 84-0064
Collaboration in action overview page
Collaboration in action HCA 82-0070
Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative brochure cover
Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative brochure HCA 82-0072
Professional development pamphlet overview page
Professional development HCA 82-0211
Programs and practices for youth marijuana use prevention cover page
Programs and practices for youth marijuana use prevention HCA 82-0063
Student Assistance Program School-based Prevention Intervention Services overview page
Student Assistance Program School-based Prevention Intervention Services HCA 82-0209
Substance abuse prevention: Environmental prevention strategies overview page
Substance abuse prevention: Environmental prevention strategies HCA 82-0210
Tribal prevention and wellness programs cover page
Tribal prevention and wellness programs HCA 82-0073
Washington partners for healthy communities cover page
Washington partners for healthy communities
(prevention services brochure)
HCA 82-0054
Youth marijuana use prevention implementation plan overview page
Youth marijuana use prevention implementation plan
(for services funded through Initiative 502 (I-502)
HCA 82-0068
Who can I contact for more information or to request copies of the toolkits?

Christopher Belisle
Prevention System Manager