Training and events calendar
This multi-agency training and events calendar is updated on an on-going basis. It includes in-person trainings, a variety of video and teleconference trainings, as well as webinar training services.
Don't forget, registered Athena Forum users can add their events to the calendar as well.
- Wed, Mar 26 2025, 1 - 2:30pm
- Thu, Mar 27 2025, 11am - 12pm
- Wed, Apr 2 2025, 1 - 2:30pm
- Mon, Apr 7 2025, 1 - 2:30pm
- Tue, Apr 8 2025, 8 - 9:30am
Provider trainings
These trainings have been developed by DBHR. If you need technical assistance with these trainings please contact the DBHR Training team at
OWL E-Learning
DBHR has created professional development training courses for prevention professionals.
Members are able to participate in FREE online classes to increase their knowledge and skills.
The Owl E-Learning system is a response to the growing need for training and technical assistance from prevention providers in our state and funding levels that make traveling to trainings very difficult.
Communities That Care: Study guides for trainers
Communities That Care (CTC) is a coalition-based community prevention operating system that uses a public health approach to prevent youth problem behaviors including underage drinking, tobacco use, violence, delinquency, school dropout and substance abuse.
Members are able to participate in free online videos to increase their knowledge and skills.