Strategic planning resources: How to update or write a plan for your coalition

Strategic planning is a core component of effective prevention efforts. Strategic planning makes the difference between trying to help and using a data-informed approach to ensure we are making a lasting difference in the health of our youth and communities while also guiding the use of limited resources. In Washington state, we have adapted the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) to inform community planning.

To assist you in your planning efforts, we put together this page of resources to help you when and how you need them. Some of these resources are specific to the Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative (CPWI) and designed by Health Care Authority's (HCA) Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) staff and partners, while other resources are from SAMHSACommunity Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), or other experts in community organizing and prevention science. This information can be used by any coalition or group hoping to go upstream and prevent substance use disorder, promote mental health, and reduce related behavioral health challenges.

The contents of this page will be updated as we develop our resources, so check back periodically for new training content. Please let us know if there is something you would like added to this page by contacting your prevention manager or emailing the Athena team.

2025-2027 CPWI strategic plans are due to your prevention manager on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.

CPWI strategic planning updates 2024/2025 - Information and expectations

Throughout the 2024 calendar year, CPWI communities and school-based services are expected to update their full strategic plans to prepare for the 2025-2027 biennium. The following timeline provides a high-level overview of this process. 

The training for this update process is provided over several months and will be delivered by the following organizations:

  1. HCA's DBHR staff and leadership including on CPWI history, purpose, and context as well as policy and program requirements.
  2. Partners at the University of Washington's Social Development Research Group, who created the Communities That Care model which CPWI is adapted from.
  3. Staff and researchers at Washington State University's IMproving Prevention through ACTion (IMPACT) Lab, who are integral to the selection, adaptation, and evaluation of evidence-based programs listed on the Excellence in Prevention (EIP) strategy list and lead evaluation of the CPWI model.

For full details about these training events, many of which are required for CPWI coalition coordinators, please reference the CPWI Strategic Planning Training Plan. This document also includes links to presentations, recordings, and/or other materials provided during the training. Please note, if you are not a CPWI provider and wish to attend these training sessions please email the CPWI lead, Kasey Kates

This document will be updated as training details are confirmed, so check it periodically for the latest information. If you have any specific questions about one of the events, have a conflict, or would like to request an exemption per the guidelines in the plan, please email your prevention manager.

The CPWI strategic plan template was developed by HCA's DBHR to guide you through writing your strategic plan. This resource outlines the required sections, as well as the required content for each section, and provides helpful information and prompts to help you draft your strategic plan. If you opt to use this template, please ensure all italicized text is removed prior to submitting your plan for review and approval. A blank version of the template, without instructions, is also available for you to use.

Interested in connecting with other providers? Visit the Athena Discussion Forum and start a new discussion or add a comment to share your ideas and resources, ask for help, or support others through this process!

Getting Started

In the Washington State Strategic Planning Framework, the Getting Started phase is when we prepare and strengthen the tools and resources we need to complete the rest of the process. Some of it we only need to do as needed, such as hire a coalition coordinator or key staff person, but some of it should be done every planning cycle, such as reviewing how the coalition makes decisions or organizing your prevention training resources. 

Here are some resources on getting started which may help you as you update your strategic plan.

  • Optional - Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative (CPWI) Overview: This presentation from DBHR staff Billy Reamer in April 2024 is ideal for CPWI coordinators who are new to the system and prevention in general. Those already familiar with CPWI may benefit from a review as well since it covers many foundational aspects of the work.
  • April 2024 Getting Started Training: This presentation was prepared by HCA/DBHR and presented in April 2024 by DBHR Prevention Manager Billy Reamer. It covers some of the fundamentals of prevention science, the history of CPWI and how it connects to the Communities That Care model, and the beginning phases of coalition development.
  • Building A Culture Of Participation: Held in May of 2024, this is the first in a series of trainings from the UW Social Development Research Group and the Center for Communities that Care, this session focuses on the early phases of strategic planning and ensuring that the coalition members are prepared to make key decisions.
  • CPWI Community Coalition Guide: Serving as the primary reference material for CPWI implementation, The Guide is where you can find more about what is expected in the Getting Started phase for CPWI grantees. Getting Started information is in the introduction and on pages 17-19. 
  • Communities That Care - Tools for Community Leaders: A Guidebook for Getting Started: This document serves as a reference material for the Communities That Care model, which served as the basis for CPWI. It has numerous tools and processes for the creating the building blocks of later work. 

In the Washington State Strategic Planning Framework, the Assessment phase is where we determine not only what the problem is, but also the root causes of those problems. We call these root causes "risk and protective factors" and the reasons why they occur in your community the "local conditions." Some frameworks and organizations use other terms for these root causes, but the most important thing to remember is that assessment is about going upstream to learn more about the "Why" as well as the "What" when it comes to community behavioral health challenges. Another important part of Assessment is researching and cataloguing our community resources for preventing substance use disorder and promoting mental health. This ensures that we are meeting community needs by filling service gaps and avoiding duplication. Health equity is especially important during this phase as your community may experience unique health disparities which must be considered when determining your areas of focus.

Here are some resources on the Assessment phase of the strategic planning process.

  • Healthy Youth Survey Website: One of the most important data sources for prevention planning in Washington State is the Healthy Youth Survey. This survey is delivered every other year in the Fall to grades 6 to 12 all over the state and has multiple tools for assessing problem behaviors, risk and protective factors, and even "cross tabs" on how different factors can interact. NOTE: if you need support in how to use the extensive tools on this website or how to access your local data, please contact your prevention manager or one of the HYS Planning Committee members 
  • Healthy Youth Survey 2023 Results Training, March 2024: This presentation was provided by the HYS Planning team during the March 2024 DBHR Learning Community Meeting, and includes high-level insights and observations from the results of the October 2023 implementation of the HYS. Keep in mind that the results shown in the slides are statewide, so there may be some local variation, but it's a good introduction to the conditions facing Washington youth in 2023.
  • Data Book Training - June 2024 LCM 3rd Hour: The CPWI Data Book is the primary resource used by coalitions to assess their long term consequences, problem behaviors, and risk/protective factors. In partnership with RDA who prepares the CPWI Data Books, this is a detailed description of what is contained in each book, how to read and interpret the key points, and what new features have been added to the 2024 edition.
  • Resource Assessment and Gap Analysis: Provided in July of 2024 by UW's SDRG and the Center for the Communities That Care, this training focuses on how to avoid duplication and better meet community needs by documenting what is already being done and where to focus future efforts.
  • Needs Assessment Example - South Whibey CARES Coalition: Presented live at the 2024 Coalition Leadership Institute in August, this session describes the considerations and process of one rural community on Whidbey Island. Using a person-centered approach to coalition capacity building, the South Whidbey CARES coalition leverages key partnerships with Island County Public Health and others, and builds enthusiasm for the work through the growth of public events like Take Back Day. NOTE: This is just one example of how a Needs Assessment can be conducted, and should be used as inspiration for how your own community can navigate this process.
  • More to come...

In the Washington State Strategic Planning Framework, the Planning phase is where programs and strategies are selected which match the risk and protective factors we identified in the Assessment phase. We also use the information we gathered about existing resources to create the best chance of success for the programs and strategies we select. We also consider health equity during Planning by choosing and/or adapting programs and strategies for the needs of people experiencing the health disparities you identified in Assessment. And finally, the Planning phase is where you start to build a plan for sustainability of the programs and strategies you've chosen.

  • Strategic Prevention Planning Training: Conducted live at Coalition Leadership Institute in August 2024, this training was provided by UW/SDRG's Center for Communities That Care, and focused on building coalition capacity to select evidence-based programs that meet the most pressing needs of thier community.
  • ​Excellence in Prevention Strategy List: Hosted by DBHR on the Athena Forum, this list represents the work of multiple partners from government, community, and research sectors, and serves as the foundation of what is known to be effective in preventing substance use disorders and promoting mental health.

In the Washington State Strategic Planning Framework, the Implementation phase of the strategic plan is where we describe the where, what, who, and how our selected programs and strategies will be delivered. We also specify how these services will advance health equity by ensuring proportional access to all people, based on their needs, and continue to advance the sustainability of our prevention efforts by identifying local partners who can help support the work.

  • Effective Implementation Training: Conducted virtually by Washington State University's IMproving Prevention through ACTion (IMPACT) Lab in October 2024. 
  • Implementation Resource: Active Implementation Hub
    • Hosted by University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
    • Free online learning environment for anyone implementing and scaling programs and innovations. 

In the Washington State Strategic Planning Framework, the Evaluation phase is vital to making sure what we do is not just "popular", but effective at reducing needs and building strengths. Evaluation is deliberate and consistent, and uses the best possible tools to measure success, looking for short term outcomes in improving local conditions, as well as long term outcomes in reducing problem behaviors and improving community health. Evaluation should also promote health equity by revisiting previously identified health disparities and measuring their reduction or elimination. And as always, the sustainability of your efforts should be considered during evaluation, and adjusted as necessary. 

  • Evaluating Implementation Outcomes: Held in-person at the 2024 All Provider Meeting on 10/29, this training conducted by the Washington State University's IMproving Prevention through ACTion (IMPACT) Lab focused on measuring not just whether something worked, but why it was successful and how it can be improved through Positive Participant Engagement.
  • Minerva Outcomes Reports Tutorial: Many training resources exist within the Minerva 2.0 data entry system for those with access, including a video explanation of how to access and analyze reports on participant survey results. Login to Minerva, click on the "Help" tab in the upper right, and open the "Training" section to learn more.
    • Note: if you do not have Minerva 2.0 access, and believe you should, talk to your DBHR contact about next steps.
Intensive TA: Process and FAQs


Intensive technical assistance (TA) is provided by the University of Washington's (UW) Social Development Research Group (SDRG) and intended for providers who need support beyond their prevention manager. To request intensive TA, please refer to the process flowchart and follow the steps outlined below. 

A flowchart depicting the intensive TA request process.
  1. Provider submits an intensive TA request to their prevention manager. The “request” may be informal and come about collectively as the provider and prevention manager work together through an issue. 
  2. Prevention manager determines if they can resolve the request themselves. If they are unable to resolve the request, they will elevate the request to the CPWI lead.
  3. CPWI lead determines if they can resolve the request. If the CPWI lead is able to resolve the request, they will communicate the resolution to the prevention manager. If the CPWI lead is unable to resolve the request and the request is within SDRG's scope, they will refer the prevention manager to SDRG's TA Center. Note, if the request is outside SDRG's scope, the request will be elevated to the Substance Use Disorder & Mental Health Promotion Section manager.
  4. Prevention manager submits an intensive TA request to SDRG on behalf of the provider with the provider,  the CPWI lead, and prevention manager's supervisor copied. 
  5. SDRG schedules a meeting with the provider within two weeks of receipt of the request.
  6. Following the initial meeting, SDRG will email a case plan to the provider with their assigned prevention manager and the CPWI lead copied. The case plan will include the identified problem, additional intensive TA sessions needed, the expected frequency of sessions, and the expected duration of sessions. 
  7. After each subsequent TA session, SDRG will email meeting notes to the provider with their assigned PSM and the CPWI lead copied. 
    Once the request has been resolved, SDRG will send a close out email to the provider with their assigned prevention manager and the CPWI lead copied. 

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

  • What’s the purpose of intensive TA?
    When a provider has a TA request that can’t seem to be resolved by a PSM or CPWI lead, the intensive TA provided by SDRG will help resolve these issues.
  • What kind of TA requests would be referred to SDRG?
    Here are two examples of what these requests might look like:
    • “I have no idea how to get started with the needs assessment and I’ve already met with my prevention manager twice.”
    • “I cannot get my coalition engaged in the planning process even though I’ve tried the strategies suggested by my prevention manager.”
  • How many hours are we allowed for intensive TA?
    SDRG is contracted to provide a total of eight hours of intensive TA per month to DBHR CPWI providers.
  • Can intensive TA continue beyond one meeting with SDRG?
    Yes! This is expected and the process accounts for the need for reoccurring intensive TA sessions. SDRG will provide a case plan following the initial meeting outlining the number, frequency, and duration of sessions estimated to resolve the request.
  • If I have questions or feedback about the intensive TA process, who do I contact? 
    Please email Codie Garza and Kasey Kates with any questions or feedback regarding this process.
Other planning resources

There are numerous resources available for strategic planning support, both inside and outside of the SUD Prevention and MH Promotion field. Here are just a few that we recommend, but please feel free to suggest additional resources if you have found them to be helpful.

  • SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework: This is an overview of the SAMHSA model for strategic planning, which was adapted by Washington State for CPWI implementation. It serves as the foundation for strategic planning in many states and territories in the US, and is periodically updated as best practices are discovered.
  • SPTAC Prevention Training Now!: Provided by the SAMHSA funded Strategic Prevention Technical Assistance Center, this new resource will be adding prevention content over the next few years, so keep checking back for new materials or webinar opportunities.
  • The Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network: Acting as the official national prevention science training system, the PTTCs are organized by region, but they have many free online training opportunities open to anyone working in SUD prevention and mental health promotion. For local training opportunities in person and online, check out the Northwest PTTC page!
  • The Center for Communities That Care:  Based in the University of Washington's Social Development Research Group, the CTC model served as the basis for CPWI and is implemented in many states across the country. The science of risk and protective factors comes from CTC and the ongoing work of this dedicated team of researchers and practitioners.
  • EPIS - Evidence Based Prevention and Intervention Support: Based in the College of Health and Human Development on Penn State, this research and implementation hub has been providing high quality prevention science support for over 25 years. 
    • Prevention Learning Portal: Housed within EPIS, this online resource has guided modules and recordings of key prevention science training and related topics. With everything from Risk and Protective Factors to Project Management, the PLP is sure to have something that supports your work.
    • NOTE: Accessing the Prevention Learning Portal requires creating a free account and loging in each time. 
  • Kansas University - Community Toolbox: This flexible resource is a massive encyclopedia of community organizing best practices and strategies. With detailed instructions and tools for conducting focus groups, holding town halls, and many more community processes, this resource can support many goals beyond SUD prevention and mental health promotion.
Who can I contact for more information about strategic planning?

Questions? Please contact your prevention manager for now, but we also recommend visiting our training and events calendar for opportunities from our many partners and supporting organizations. Check back in this space for more opportunities to receive intensive support in your strategic planning process.