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The Washington Council for Behavioral Health invites you to submit a proposal to present at the 35th annual Washington Behavioral Healthcare Conference (WBHC)! 

Each year, this conference brings together a diverse group of presenters to share information about therapeutic interventions, recovery supports, promising programs, and policies that advance best practices. This is a great opportunity to share your knowledge and experience and inspire others!

As a presenter at… read more

During the pandemic, many states relaxed alcohol sales policies, including allowing more home delivery of alcohol. This might open the door to potentially inadequate ID checking. Further, digital alcohol marketing that uses algorithms to target consumer behaviors (like using a smartphone app to order alcohol for home delivery) might mean increased exposure to alcohol ads that encourage consumption

Washington is one of six states that are the focus of a new research study about how… read more

Exciting news! The Staff Members/Tribal Prevention Staff page is now live in Minerva 2.0 for all users!

A staff member or tribal prevention staff is someone who works with, or for, an account in Minerva 2.0. These individuals can have their time—including direct and support hours—included in implementation and capacity activities.

Now that you can manage staff members and tribal prevention staff in Minerva 2.0, users with system access to view/perform data entry will be… read more

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) along with all five Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) in Washington have partnered to develop a Provider Resource Guide (PRG) designed to improve access to and timeliness of mental health treatment following an inpatient discharge. We are seeking several mental health inpatient facilities to partner in the final step before the PRG is released. Participation will contribute to the development of a Provider Resource Guide that is useful… read more

The Northwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (NW PTTC) is conducting a training and technical assistance needs assessment (via SurveyMonkey) to serve you better in 2025 — your insights are crucial!

Who should take it?

Anyone working in prevention in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. This includes:

State and community substance misuse prevention coordinators Primary, secondary, and post-secondary educators School counselors Coalition members Why is… read more

A new feature, Activity Series, is now available in Minerva 2.0 for select accounts. The feature has been added to accounts that deliver a one-to-one, or 1:1 direct service. Examples of a one-to-one or 1:1 direct service in Minerva 2.0 includes, community-based mentoring, Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring program, Nurse Family Partnership, and Communities In Schools.

You can learn more about this new feature under Resources on the State Resources page in… read more

As we observe Substance Use Prevention Month this October, we are reminded of the importance of taking proactive steps to prevent substance misuse and its damaging effects on individuals, families, and our communities. This month encourages awareness, education, and community engagement, urging us to have honest conversations about the risks associated with substance misuse and the resources available to support healthy lifestyles. Together, we can create a safer, healthier Washington.

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The American Lung Association is excited to be able to provide training scholarships for teachers/nurses/counselors/etc. to become certified in Not On Tobacco ($400 value). The American Lung Association’s Not on Tobacco® (NOT) program seeks to address the youth vaping crises by giving teens the resources they need to break their nicotine dependency and find healthier outlets. NOT is an evidence-based program with an impressive success rate, where approximately 90 percent of teens who… read more