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It’s time to put your creativity to the test! Washington Poison Center and Seattle Children’s Hospital are inviting students from Kindergarten through 12th grade to take up their markers, colored pencils, and paintbrushes to participate in the 19th annual poison prevention poster contest! This year’s theme is “Pick Your Poison.”

Here’s how it works Pick a poison: Choose a harmful substance (like a chemical, toxic plant, or local venomous animal). Learn about it:… read more

The Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) are pleased to announce a call for presentations for the 2025 Washington Traffic Safety Summit at the Spokane Convention Center, July 15-17.

This event will bring together diverse stakeholders, including transportation planners, officials, law enforcement, and public health professionals, providing an opportunity for participants to network, challenge siloed perspectives, and… read more

Communities Talk funding from SAMHSA is easy to obtain!  If you did not have an event last year, email SAMHSA ( requesting a participation invitation! Here is what last year's participant, Nicole Roach from Okanogan County Community Coalition, says:

Getting a participation invitation "was easy! All I did was email the above address and  request an invitation to apply. They replied within a few days, asking for some basic information to ensure I… read more

Each year, the Prevention Awards of Excellence recognize outstanding prevention professionals, community members, youth, and coalitions for their exemplary contributions to substance use disorder prevention and mental health promotion across Washington state.

The awards are made possible by a volunteer review team, which provides feedback on the past year's nomination materials and process and reviews the current year's nominations. 

What is involved? 

The review… read more

If you missed the Drug Enforcement Agency's National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, you can still dispose of your old, unneeded, or unused medications at year-round drop-off locations! For additional locations in Washington state, please visit the Safe Medication Return website. 

Did you know that each year more than 100,000 Americans die to a drug poisoning or overdose death? By cleaning out your medicine cabinets, you can help prevent drug misuse before it starts.

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The Digital Well-Being Challenge invites students, ages 13 and up, and the schools that serve them to address critical topics in digital citizenship and well-being, including healthy social media use, digital citizenship education, and responsible technology policies. The challenge is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology (OET) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA).

The challenge… read more