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The American Lung Association is excited to announce that it has mini-grants available for tobacco prevention activities and programs.

These mini-grants can be used to support Not On Tobacco (NOT) programs, INDEPTH programs, and tobacco-prevention activities. Please see the attached applications for information. Please direct questions to Alyssa via email. 

The application period closes Friday, November 15, 2024.

The Western Regional Counterdrug Training Center (WRCTC) is delivering an in-person Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Application for Prevention Success Training, or SAPST, on October 22-25, in Seattle, WA. This is the training formally known as the Substance Abuse & Prevention Skills Training. 

Through this training, participants will develop the knowledge and skills to: 

Understand root causes of substance misuse  Complete a needs… read more

National Red Ribbon Week is observed annually, October 23-31, to highlight the importance of living a drug-free life. During this week, communities across the country participate in activities and events to learn about the effects of substance misuse and the importance of making healthy choices. 

This year's theme, Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free.™, serves as a powerful reminder that ordinary Americans contribute to their communities every day by embracing a drug-free… read more

Do you serve adult Medicaid patients in a mental health inpatient facility? 

The Washington State Department of Health along with all five Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) in Washington have partnered to develop a Provider Resource Guide (PRG) designed to improve access to and timeliness of mental health treatment following an inpatient discharge. We are seeking several mental health inpatient facilities to partner in the final step before the PRG is released. Participation… read more

Session Objectives:

Describe common healthy behavior problems among youth. Identify the importance of healthy behaviors for youth mental and physical wellbeing and performance.  Explore the relationship between healthy behaviors and substance use and misuse. List approaches and settings for assessing healthy behaviors. Examine strategies for promoting healthy behaviors. Discuss integrating healthy behavior promotion within prevention practice.

Register:  https://… read more

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is Saturday, October 26. Join us for a webinar today, Wednesday, October 2, at 1 p.m., to learn how to promote Take Back events and safe medication disposal in your community using resources available through the Starts with One prescription opioid misuse prevention campaign. Register for the webinar!

The Starts with One safe disposal toolkit includes ready-to-use ads, posters, social media content, and other… read more