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Highline Public Schools is seeking a part-time school-based project manager to focusing on developing an upstream vaping education and prevention system infrastructure within the school district. This is a one to two year position, requiring 15-20 hours per week, and offers a competitive rate of $85/hour or higher, based on experience, The ideal candidate will manage project implementation, coordinate with school officials, and drive initiatives to promote a healthier school environment.… read more

A newly revised survey selection guide is now available. The guide has been updated with new survey/tests names, along with unique identifiers that have been integrated into Minerva 2.0, and the survey/test PDF instruments on The Athena Forum. 

You can find the survey selection guide under Resources on the State Resources page in Minerva 2.0. Select the hyperlink, Survey Selection Guide to download a PDF copy. The guide is also available on The Athena Forum – Minerva page, under… read more

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) plans to observe the first annual 988 Day on September 8, 2024. 988 Day is a national initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and emphasizing the importance of mental health and suicide prevention. Join us on September 8, 2024, in spreading the message "No Judgment. Just Help."

The 988 Day Digital Toolkit is a comprehensive resource… read more

The National Behavioral Health Network (NBHN) recently released a resource titled Addressing Disparities and Increasing the Quality of Tobacco Treatment for African Americans. This brief infographic highlights the increased risk for tobacco exposure and use, emphasizing mentholated cigarettes, among the Black and African American community, and offers 6 equity-driven approaches to addressing this disparity.

Attached is a PDF version of the infographic. This was downloaded via the… read more

Attend this virtual webinar on Thursday, August 8, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., to learn more about resources available to support your local overdose prevention efforts. Presenters will review the latest materials and tools and answer questions about how to use the following HCA-funded campaigns in your communities:

Starts with One: Prevent prescription opioid misuse and encourage safe medication storage and disposal. Friends for Life: Educate communities about illicit… read more is a new online tool that was recently launched by the Mercer Island Healthy Youth Initiative prevention coalition, part of the City of Mercer Island’s Youth and Family Services (MIYFS) with grant funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA).

The Parenting Mercer Island tool is available to all WA parents at no cost and is intentional in promoting the healthy mental, emotional, and behavioral development of children and youth by… read more