Opportunity to attend SAPST in-person!

The Western Regional Counterdrug Training Center (WRCTC) is delivering an in-person Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Application for Prevention Success Training, or SAPST, on October 22-25, in Seattle, WA. This is the training formally known as the Substance Abuse & Prevention Skills Training. 

Through this training, participants will develop the knowledge and skills to: 

  • Understand root causes of substance misuse 
  • Complete a needs assessment of community health problems and identify avenues for change 
  • Assess and build community capacity 
  • Choose, plan, and implement effective prevention interventions 
  • Monitor and evaluate interventions for effectiveness, sustainability, and cultural competence

To view the event flyer and learn more, please visit The Athena Forum


Prior to the in-person training, participants must complete the self-paced, online course, "Introduction to substance abuse prevention: Understanding the basics," to gain background knowledge on the field of prevention. 


Registration is required and limited to 25 participants. For registration assistance, please email Eliza Powell