Communities Talk Event News

Communities Talk funding from SAMHSA is easy to obtain!  If you did not have an event last year, email SAMHSA ( requesting a participation invitation! Here is what last year's participant, Nicole Roach from Okanogan County Community Coalition, says:

Getting a participation invitation "was easy! All I did was email the above address and  request an invitation to apply. They replied within a few days, asking for some basic information to ensure I qualified. I sent that in, and they replied, saying they would send me a link with the invitation within one to two weeks.  The application process was very quick and easy. I don’t recall having any issues. Upon completing the application, I was told that a check would be mailed out shortly. And it was! I believe the time between request for invitation, and a check being mailed to me, was less than a month."

Nicole, also provided more information about her event! "We used the stipend towards the purchasing of “Screenagers”, which we played at our Key Leader meeting. There were some limitations around what you could use the stipend for, but I don’t remember them specifically. Afterwards, you can go back in and update how you used the money. There was no required reporting, sending in receipts, etc."

Email SAMHSA requesting your participation invitation today!

External Links


Communities Talk Key Leader Orientation