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Join us on Tuesday, May 17 for the 2022 Virtual Spring Youth Forum!

This year's conference theme is "Empower: United in Prevention"

LOCATION: Virtual REGISTRATION: Register online for this free event. AGENDA: 2022 SYF Agenda INFORMATION WEBINAR: Monday, March 28 from 10-11 a.m. via Microsoft Teams. Please email us to sign up.

Visit the Spring Youth Forum Website for additional information.

The Region 10 Opioid Summit Planning Committee invites you to submit a workshop proposal to present at the 2022 Opioid Summit. Workshop proposals should fit into one of the highlighted topics, and address the conference theme, "We are the Foundation". The highlighted topics are: Improving the Workforce Pillars for Opioid Prevention, Treatment, Recovery, and Intervention.

Visit the Region 10 opioid topics of interest webpage to find more information about the topics for the summit and… read more

All CPWI COALITIONS:  As you prepare your action plan and budget for the upcoming fiscal year, your coalition may be considering alternative programs to support your Goals and Objectives, don’t forget about our lending library.  Upon reviewing the list of available programs (type "EBP Lending Library" in Athena's search bar to download the list), you will find detailed instruction on page 1 and the the full, detailed list on the following pages.  If you find the program your… read more

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will be hosting its 22nd annual National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, April 30, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. National Take Back Day is a free, safe, anonymous, and convenient way to dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs. Since the start of these events, a total of over 15 million pounds have been collected!

Communities across Washington State will be joining the DEA efforts by hosting awareness events,… read more

As the situation in Ukraine evolves, adults and children alike may have strong responses; news of war can easily generate fear, anger, worry, and a host of other emotions. Please see below for a selection of resources that may be helpful to your networks as they help youth understand and process the ongoing conflict in developmentally appropriate ways. These resources were compiled by the National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Child, Youth, and Family Mental Health.

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Please join the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) for the 2022 National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW) observance, to be held March 21-27, 2022, and register your event or activity. It’s simple and ensures your event will be featured on the NDAFW map!

NIDA is excited to offer event planners resources and activities that Promote Positive Mental Health and Drug Use Prevention Among Youth and promote conversations around skill-building, and expressing personal motivations… read more

Conversations with youth about health behaviors, especially substance use, can be challenging for even the most experienced providers. With increasing need and concern about youth substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Council for Mental Wellbeing created a comprehensive toolkit and message guide about substance use prevention. And to help you get the most from the Getting Candid materials, they also offer a supporting message guide and free on demand course.

Indicating interest in New Coordinator Basic Training Series for Spring 2022 has ended.  The series is at class capacity!  Thank you for your interest in expanding your knowledge about CPWI!  We are tentatively planning another series for Summer 2022.  Here are the tentative dates for you to review if you are interested in attending the next series:

Thursday, June 30 from 9 - Noon Thursday, July 7 from 10 - Noon Thursday, July 14 from 10 – Noon Thursday, July 21… read more

The Tribal Opioid Solutions Campaign, developed in partnership with Tribes, urban Indian organizations and WA State agency partners, aims to address opioid misuse and prevention in tribal communities across the state. One of the campaign’s year 4 efforts includes an interview spotlighting Quileute’s Health and Human Services Department. The interview was conducted by Native-owned radio station, Daybreak Star Radio, with Miss Ann-Penn Charles and Jody Heller from Quileute.

The… read more

As we continue to move forward with the transition from Minerva 1.0 to 2.0, we have some updates to share.

Go-live: Minerva 2.0 will be officially launching on Monday, February 28th in conjunction with the first training being offered! Please note, you will not be able to gain access into the new system until you have completed the necessary training(s) and until Step 2 of account set-up has been completed. You will not be able to access Minerva 2.0 until you have completed your… read more