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This list of trainings, webinars, and resources includes a number of prevention, treatment, and recovery webinars that are previously recorded and easy to access! The offerings are from both prevention and addiction Technology Transfer Centers, as well as the Peer Recovery Center of Excellence. Many of these may count for your prevention credential too, so check them out!

Free registration for the 2022 Say It Out Loud (SIOL) Conference opens in early March. The conference will be held virtually on Thursday, May 26.

SIOL "focuses on information sharing and networking to improve behavioral health services and decrease disparities faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ+) individuals." This year's theme is We ARE Family: Honoring and recognizing the many structures and diverse experiences of families, biological and chosen… read more

Applications are for the 2022 Youth Advocates of the Year Awards are open through February 20, 2022.

This awards program honors outstanding youth advocates who are leading the way to the first tobacco-free generation. It is offered by Take Down Tobacco, a program of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.


What is the Young Adult Riding and Driving (YARD) Study?

The YARD Study is an ongoing research study about young adults’ transportation habits and health behaviors. We are housed at the Center for the Study of Health and Risk Behaviors (CSHRB) at the University of Washington.

Young adults ages 18 to 25 who live in Washington state may be eligible. You do not have to be a university student to participate.

Participants can earn up to $281 in electronic gift cards (… read more

The office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) appreciates all that schools are doing to help serve their students during this very difficult time, and realize they have a lot going on. While this may sound like an oxymoron and be thought of as…”one more thing to do”, we just want to make sure that schools who serve students in grades 6 to 12, are aware of the opportunity they have to administer a quick 15 minute student perspective survey to their students in the month of… read more

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) updated a data visualization using data from their 202 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. "Be Prepared to Have the Difficult Conversation" illustrates the correlation between alcohol use and other substance use to inform parents/guardians and communities.

The annual Washington Poison Center Poster Contest is now open! Any Washington student, kindergarten through 6th grade, may submit their art on the theme “Mr. Yuk Helps Everyone!” This year’s winner will receive a Kindle, a classroom party, and a visit with their local state representative.

The last day for a student to submit their entry is Friday, February 11. Information and submission instructions.

The Washington State Healthy Youth Survey (HYS) is a collaborative research study conducted by the Department of Health, Health Care Authority, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Liquor and Cannabis Board. It focuses on health risk behaviors, such as violence and alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use that can result in injury and impact positive development among youth. The survey also includes questions about protective factors, hope, and community. The HYS contains… read more

Your efforts to empower teens and young adults to make informed decisions about drugs and alcohol and to support their mental health are more important than ever. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites you to join in during National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW), March 21–27, 2022. NDAFW is a week-long national health observance highlighting the science-based facts about drugs, alcohol, and addiction.

During NDAFW, you can use NIDA’s resources to help support… read more

The Department of Health (DOH) is reaching out to individuals and communities who have experienced health inequities or racism in the health care system. Advocacy groups and health care professional associations are also invited.

This is an effort to learn how people are harmed due inequities in the health care system, so we can create positive change. Information we gather from listening sessions will be used in future workshops to create rules for health equity continuing education… read more