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December 9, 2011

Hello from Montana:

Here is a link to all of the most current information on Montana's Marijuana Program as a result of our 2011 MT legislative session.  SB 423 was passed with a good deal of heated debate and diverse opinions, although the "industry" is gathering signatures to repeal the bill in the hopes of putting a vote to the people to revert to the voter approved initiative from a few years back, I-168.  There are some court rulings yet...

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December 9, 2011

By My Fox Phoenix

PHOENIX - Could you get arrested for DUI, not for drinking, but eating a popsicle? Alcoholic popsicles are going on sale later this week in Arizona, and those things are potent -- some with extremely high alcohol content.

Don’t eat a popsicle and drive -- that’s going to be the new reminder for people buying the frozen alcoholic...

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December 6, 2011

The Mercer Island City Council adopted the Mercer Island Underage Drinking Ordinance at its regular meeting on December 6, 2011.  On a 6-1 vote, the council passed the new ordinance which authorizes a $250 civil fine against the owners of properties where underage drinking gatherings are held.  The ordinance will go into effect January 13, 2012. (

Click here to read a copy of the ordinance.

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December 6, 2011

A new study shows that drinking before age 21 has lasting, harmful effects, especially in women. The study examined data for people who turned 18 before the nationwide 21-law went into effect in 1984. The study provides fresh evidence to support the much-debated 21-law and further demonstrates that the law saves lives.

The research was conducted by Richard Grucza, an epidemiologist at the Washington University...

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December 5, 2011

By Join Together Staff

Foster children who are on Medicaid receive psychotropic drugs, including antidepressants and antipsychotics, at higher rates than children not in foster care who receive their health care through Medicaid, a new government study finds.


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December 5, 2011

By Join Together Staff

Local and national authorities are playing catch-up with synthetic drug makers, who are constantly changing the chemical makeup of their products to avoid breaking the law.

Enforcing laws against these synthetic drugs is difficult, according to the...

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December 4, 2011


More than half of Americans aged 12 and up drink alcohol,...
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December 1, 2011

By Join Together Staff |

The Obama Administration has appealed a...

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December 1, 2011

By Join Together Staff

The governors of Rhode Island and Washington have asked the federal government to reclassify marijuana as a drug with accepted medical uses. Both states have decriminalized marijuana for medical purposes. The governors say reclassifying marijuana will help them regulate the safe distribution of the drug without the risk of...

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November 29, 2011

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (UDETC) is pleased to launch the second in a series of on-line distance learning courses.  These courses aim to provide law enforcement and community organizations with valuable, no-cost training that focuses on the reduction of underage access to alcohol.

The newest course in this series is “Environmental Strategies” and will be...

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November 28, 2011

By Join Together Staff

A new labor deal between Major League Baseball (MLB) and the players union limits the use of smokeless tobacco by players, but does not ban it during games. Some public health groups and legislators had sought a total ban on smokeless tobacco by players during baseball games.

Under the agreement, players will not...

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November 28, 2011

By Join Together Staff

The American Medical Association’s (AMA) policy-making body has called on the organization to promote doctor training on the correct use of controlled substances, in an effort to reduce prescription drug abuse.

The AMA’s House of Delegates, at its Interim Meeting earlier this month, called on doctors to use screening tools from sources such as the...

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November 28, 2011


Use and Addiction

17.4 million Americans are regular marijuana users (up from 14.4 million in 2007).1

Between 2007 and 2010, the percentage of Americans who use marijuana regularly increased from 5.8% to 6.9%.2

More than 4 million Americans (23% of users) meet the criteria for marijuana addiction.3

The percentage of youth (...

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