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Home » SnoBars: Alcoholic Popsicles Hitting the AZ Market

SnoBars: Alcoholic Popsicles Hitting the AZ Market

By My Fox Phoenix

PHOENIX - Could you get arrested for DUI, not for drinking, but eating a popsicle? Alcoholic popsicles are going on sale later this week in Arizona, and those things are potent -- some with extremely high alcohol content.

Don’t eat a popsicle and drive -- that’s going to be the new reminder for people buying the frozen alcoholic treats and that has some concerned.

“Snobar is a fun sexy new concept of alcohol infused ice cream and alcohol infused ice pops,” says Eddie Masjedi, who came up with the idea of Snobar Cocktails.

“Got tired of my wife trying to convince me to have some ice cream and me trying to convince her to have some alcohol. Decided to marry best of both worlds together and came up with the idea and the concept,” says Masjedi.

Every serving has as much alcohol as a cocktail by the same name -- up to 14-percent in some cases.

And there are plenty of flavors to go around: including cosmopolitan and margarita.

And guess where the product is being debuted -- Arizona shoppers get the first crack at it. Total Wine will soon have it on store shelves state wide.

“Luckily Arizona all year round has great weather and the consumption of Snobar will be great,” says Masjedi.

We know what you're thinking. What if the kids or teenagers discover something different in the freezer? Former Phoenix Policeman Paul Penzone who now runs Not My Kid wonders the same thing.

“I look at it and I see a parent eating a popsicle that is alcohol infused and what message are we sending to our kids,” says Penzone.

It says right on the box “not for children.” But like everything else, it's still a lifestyle choice for parents.

“As parents, think long and hard if this is something you want to enjoy yourself, how you are going to keep it from your kids, making sure that they are not inadvertently consuming some of it or you are just creating a behavior pattern for them.”

In the meantime, the party's on.

“We believe it’s a great addition to any holiday party and a great addition to any menu that any party should have,” says Masjedi. “At the same time all the adults need to indulge and enjoy responsibly.”

Snobars will be available only in stores that sell other alcoholic products.