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May 5, 2012

The National Prevention Week 2012 Toolkit contains information for communities on this national observance, event ideas, budgeting tips, tools for event promotion (including templates for traditional and social media), fact sheets, and recommended resources. We encourage you to share this Toolkit with individuals and community organizations that may be interested in hosting a...

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May 5, 2012

Welcome to CAPT on the Web, a quick link to the latest prevention resources, articles, and tools on, offering cutting edge research, timely publications, and examples of successful prevention efforts from around the country. Check out what's new on the site!

Highlight on the SPF

Two new videos highlight how SAMHSA's Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) is shaping the future of prevention. Over the next six months,...

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May 5, 2012

UDETC RESOURCES Spotlight: Publications

The UDETC develops publications to assist states, territories and communities in their efforts to enforce underage drinking laws and prevent environmental conditions that contribute to underage drinking. All 30 publications are available for download here:

For convenience while searching, the publications are listed in four categories:

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May 5, 2012

By Join Together Staff

A new study suggests women who smoke during pregnancy may be more likely to have a child with high-functioning autism. The research did not find a conclusive link between a woman’s smoking and her child’s autism, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

The study was conducted by researchers involved in the U.S. Autism Surveillance Program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

While the cause of...

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May 5, 2012

By Join Together Staff

The opioid-overdose antidote naloxone is being more widely distributed to...

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May 5, 2012

By Join Together Staff

The Colorado Senate has passed a measure that would make it easier to convict someone of driving while under the influence of marijuana. The measure will now move to the House, according to The Denver Post.

A similar measured passed the Colorado House last year, but was defeated in the Senate. The bill would make it a crime to drive with more than 5 nanograms per milliliter of THC—the psychoactive chemical in marijuana—in a person...

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April 26, 2012

Join Jon Bon Jovi in the SparkOpportunity Challenge, a national campaign to help youth!

The Youth Leadership Institute and partner organizations are working to help more youth have access to education and jobs and we want to...

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April 26, 2012

By Join Together Staff

President Obama this weekend said “legalization is not the answer” to stemming the tide of illegal drugs. He spoke Saturday at a summit meeting of Western Hemisphere nations in Cartagena, Colombia.

Colombia’s leader, Juan Manuel Santos, asked whether there was a middle ground between all drug consumers going to jail, and legalization, The New York Times reports.

“I think it is entirely legitimate to have...

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April 26, 2012

By Join Together Staff

Teenagers in treatment for substance abuse can benefit from 12-step programs, a new study suggests.

Until now, little research has been done on how effective these programs are for adolescents, HealthDay reports.

The study included 127 teens who were outpatients in substance abuse treatment programs. They were assessed when they began the study, and again three, six and 12 months later. The researchers found about one-quarter to...

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April 14, 2012

By Reuters Health

A survey of U.S. teenagers found that most have used alcohol and drugs by the time they reach adulthood, and researchers said this could be setting many of those kids up for a lifetime of substance abuse.

The survey of more than 10,000 teens, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, found that almost four out of five teens had tried alcohol and more than 15 percent were abusing it by the time they turned 18-years-old. Some 16 percent were abusing...

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April 14, 2012

By Join Together Staff

The alcohol industry has contributed thousands of dollars to the campaigns of Nebraska legislators on a committee in which a bill that would curb alcohol purchases to residents on a dry Indian reservation has stalled, The New York Times reports.

The bill would allow authorities to establish “alcohol impact zones” in areas with high levels of alcohol-related crime.

At least seven of the eight senators on the committee...

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April 14, 2012

By Join Together Staff

A Florida appeals court overturned a $79.2 million verdict against R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. this week. The personal injury verdict had been awarded to the daughter of a man who died from lung cancer after years of smoking.

The Winston-Salem Journal reports the suit accused the tobacco company of fraud by concealment, conspiracy to commit fraud by concealment and negligence.

The appeals court ruled that it agreed the company...

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April 11, 2012

LONDON (Reuters) - People in Europe drink more alcohol than in any other part of the world, downing the equivalent of 12.5 litres of pure alcohol a year or almost three glasses of wine a day, according to report by the World Health Organisation and the European Commission.

But while the title of world's heaviest drinkers goes to the European Union as whole, where consumption is almost double the world average, there are also wide variations in drinking levels between sub-...

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