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May 26, 2012

Invitation to Submit Proposal

2012 Bank of America Mentoring Initiative VII

Washington State Mentors (WSM) is seeking applications from Washington mentoring organizations that serve youth from low to moderate income households.  Eligible programs must include workforce education and job preparedness projects and activities that will help youth attain greater self-sufficiency and economic...

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May 26, 2012

WA Recovery Helpline is approaching the end of its first year! We have received 6,283 calls since July of 2011. Each month the number grows. In March alone, we answered 1376 calls! The WA Recovery Help Line is overseen by a Recovery Coordinator who is a Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Professional. She works with a team of trained Recovery Specialists, Chemical Dependency Professional Trainees, Interns and volunteers. Calls are answered to assist the caller in...

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May 26, 2012

By Prevention Action

In the children’s services world, several branded interventions dominate the conversation on “what works,” but increasingly researchers are asking whether we need the brand to get the results we want – or whether generic components can...

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May 26, 2012

The Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (UDETC) is excited to announce the availability of a new College e-Kit designed to assisst law enforcement, prevention advocates, campus representatives, students and other community leaders with helpful resources to reduce underage student access to alcohol and consumption of alcoholic beverages.  The e-Kit also addresses the use of environmental management practices.

You can...

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May 24, 2012

By: Together!

RAINIER -- The Rainier City Council has passed a law that aims to curb underage drinking. It goes into effect June 21.

If an underage gathering involving alcohol occurs, Ordinance 607 will hold responsible the person who owns, rents, leases or controls the property where the party happened. Breaking the law will have civil repercussions, including fines. It's only the second such "social host" law...

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May 19, 2012

By Join Together Staff

Three U.S. senators have introduced legislation that would close loopholes in the tax code that allow tobacco manufacturers to avoid the federal cigarette tax and the roll-your-own tobacco tax.

Since pipe tobacco is taxed at a lower rate than cigarettes, some companies are offering customers the option of buying pipe tobacco, and allowing them to roll their own cigarettes to avoid paying the federal cigarette tax, reports.

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May 19, 2012

By Join Together Staff

Stolen or fabricated prescription pads are contributing to the surge in prescription drug abuse, experts say. There is a growing call for computer systems that directly link doctors to pharmacies, to avoid this problem.

The federal government is offering bonus payments for physicians who voluntarily stop using paper prescriptions, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. The newspaper notes 34 percent of office-based prescribers are sending...

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May 19, 2012

By Join Together Staff

The tobacco industry is funding ads opposing California’s proposed tax on cigarettes to raise money for cancer research.

Proposition 29 would add $1 per pack of cigarettes, the Los Angeles Times reports. California will vote on the measure June 5. The tobacco industry ads note the tax would raise money for research, but not for treatment.

Proponents of the tax say it is expected to raise more than $800 million for research...

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May 19, 2012

By Join Together Staff

Substance abuse is one of the top non-combat medical conditions that result in hospitalization for U.S. troops, according to a new Pentagon report. Mood, anxiety and adjustment disorders also rank high on the list,...

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May 19, 2012

By Join Together Staff

Medical marijuana was a key issue in this week’s Democratic primary race for Oregon Attorney General. A retired state judge who was supported by advocates of the issue defeated a former federal prosecutor who oversaw raids on medical marijuana growers.

Former Oregon Court of Appeals Judge Ellen Rosenblum won...

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May 19, 2012

By: Stef DiPietrantonio

It was the drunk driving accident that killed a Riverview man more than four years ago, when a 17-year-old lost control of his Camaro and slammed into a car driven by Sammy Garcia.

The convenience store that provided him with the alcohol has just been ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars.

It was a staggering number, a $716 million judgment.

The jury sent a message loud and clear to anyone who sells alcohol in...

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May 19, 2012

By Join Together Staff

Colorado lawmakers on Tuesday rejected a bill that would have set a legal blood-level limit for the active ingredient in marijuana, THC. Currently convictions for...

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