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Center for Application of Prevntion Technologies (CAPT) - CAPT on the Web! - new prevention resources and events

Welcome to CAPT on the Web, a quick link to the latest prevention resources, articles, and tools on, offering cutting edge research, timely publications, and examples of successful prevention efforts from around the country. Check out what's new on the site!

Highlight on the SPF

Two new videos highlight how SAMHSA's Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) is shaping the future of prevention. Over the next six months, we will feature stories from the field that capture these ongoing changes in the prevention landscape.

Prevention in Colorado: The Impact of the SPF. Watch Stan Paprocki, director of Community Prevention and Early Intervention Programs for Colorado's Department of Human Services, describe how SAMHSA's Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) has changed the way the State approaches prevention.

Prevention in Alaska: Seeing the Whole Picture. Watch Diane Casto, manager for Prevention and Early Intervention Services in Alaska's Division of Behavioral Health, describe the benefits of implementing a comprehensive approach to preventing substance abuse and related behavioral health problems.

Understanding SPF Step 1: Assessment

Clips from the Field: Two new videos highlight lessons learned from two States' assessment processes.

Prevention in Massachusetts: Following the Data. Massachusetts is addressing unintended opioid overdose with its Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant. Watch Steve Keel, director of Prevention Services for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, describe the process the State followed to identify this prevention priority.

Data-Driven Decision-making in South Carolina. Watch Steve Burritt, the evaluator for Community Action for a Safer Tomorrow (South Carolina's Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant) describe lessons learned from the State's assessment process.

T/TA Spotlight: Shining a Light on 'Hidden' and 'Hard-to-Reach' Populations. Find out how SAMHSA's CAPT is working with prevention leaders in States, Tribes, and Jurisdictions to better assess the needs of these populations.

New Resources! Four new fact sheets offer tips for tackling the assessment process.

What is Capacity? A community's capacity to address its substance abuse problems includes available resources and readiness to act. Both need to be assessed.

Examining Data: The Value of Comparisons. This tip sheet explores the value of looking at comparison data.

Finding Data on Risk Factors for Underage Drinking. This table presents some risk factors for underage drinking and where to go to find related data.

Resources for Finding Health Data on LGBTQ Populations. Check out this extensive list of books, articles, and relevant websites.

Other News, Resources, and Events

SAMHSA's CAPT and NACE Host Native American Service to Science Academy. Representatives from five innovative community-based substance abuse prevention programs, developed by and for Native American peoples, gathered at the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C., to participate in the fifth annual Native American Service to Science Academy on April 19-20.

Mental Health, United States 2010. This new report from SAMHSA looks at the nation's mental health system across three themes: people; treatment facility characteristics; and payers and payment mechanisms. It includes State-level data, needs of children and military personnel, and services in nontraditional settings.

Call for Applications: 2012 National Exemplary Awards for Innovative Substance Abuse Prevention Programs, Practices, and Policies. These awards are issued by the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors. The application deadline is June 18.

5th National CONFERence on Behavioral Health for Women and Girls: Health, Empowerment, Resiliency and Recovery. This annual conference provides the most recent research and knowledge on effective programs and policies for addressing mental health and substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery for women and girls.