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October 23, 2012

A Justice Department official says the federal government will not change its position on the legalization of marijuana, even if voters in Colorado, Washington state or Oregon approve measures to legalize recreational use of the drug.

On November 6, voters in the three states will decide whether to legalize and tax marijuana sales. Passage of any of the state measures could lead to a confrontation with the federal government, which views marijuana as an illegal narcotic, Reuters...

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October 20, 2012

From Veterans Affairs Intel Report

We often mention the Veterans Crisis Line and how it has saved lives, but the new video, Veterans Crisis Line Behind the Scenes, really drives home the enormous effort from dedicated folks to staff the calls day and night.

And as always, the Crisis Line can be reached at 1-800-...

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October 20, 2012

By Join Together Staff

Teenagers and young adults are abusing prescription painkillers at a rate 40 percent higher than what would be expected for their age group, a new study finds. The findings reinforce concerns by law enforcement and medical experts that the wide availability of painkillers is dangerous for...

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October 20, 2012

By Join Together Staff

Alcohol’s damaging effect on the brain can begin to subside two weeks after a person stops drinking, a new study suggests. Recovery may vary among different areas of the brain, the researchers say. The findings could offer promising news for recovering alcoholics, according to...

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October 20, 2012

This is how a felony traffic prosecutor views the word “accident:”


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October 20, 2012

By Join Together Staff

The marijuana advocacy group Americans for Safe Access asked a federal appeals court this week to force the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to hold a hearing to consider research on the drug’s benefits. The group wants marijuana reclassified so it is no longer considered a dangerous...

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October 20, 2012

By Join Together Staff

U.S. tobacco manufacturers objected on Monday to the requirement that they run corrective ads about the dangers of smoking.

They told a federal judge they should not be forced to tell the public they lied about the health effects of “light” cigarettes, or that they manipulated...

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October 20, 2012

By Join Together Staff

Face-to-face interventions are more effective than computer-delivered programs to curb college drinking, a new study finds. While both strategies can produce results in the short term, only in-person counseling produces results beyond a few months, according to...

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October 20, 2012

By Join Together Staff

Veterans who smoke while trying to stop drinking have a more difficult time becoming sober than their peers who don’t smoke, a new study concludes.

Researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center and the University of California, San Francisco, found smoking while trying to stop...

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October 20, 2012

By Join Together Staff

As United States law enforcement cracks down on methamphetamine producers, Mexican drug cartels are filling the void, according to the Associated Press. Cheap, very potent Mexican meth is appearing in...

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October 20, 2012

By Join Together staff

Over the past 25 years, an estimated 240,000 people in Washington state have been arrested for marijuana possession, according to a study by an advocacy group. The study was released as Washington voters are considering Initiative 502, a measure on the November ballot to legalize and tax marijuana sales at state-sanctioned stores.

If the Washington measure passes, marijuana would remain illegal under federal law

The Marijuana Arrest Research...

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October 13, 2012

Gil Kerlikowske, Director of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) is encouraged that recent survey results show significant declines in the non-medical use of prescription drugs.

According to new data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), the number of young adults (people aged 18 to 25) who used prescription drugs for non-medical purposes in the past month declined 14 percent -- from 2 million in 2010 to 1.7 million in 2011. This decline has driven an overall 12...

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October 13, 2012

Submitted by Marisa Petrich, KOMO Communities Reporter

Those wondering what’s delaying the reopening of Sammy’s Pizza and Petey’s Pub have no farther to look than across the street. The establishment's new location is directly opposite Lowell Elementary School.

Tacoma Public Schools and Lowell parents are concerned that the business's bar will make the neighborhood less safe for...

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October 12, 2012

A national campaign has launched aiming to prevent half a million teenagers from abusing medicine within five years. CBS New York reports The Medicine Abuse Project is a multi-year effort to help educate parents, teens and the public about the dangers of medicine abuse.


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October 12, 2012

Most adolescents who are considering suicide or who have attempted suicide do not receive specialized mental health services, according to an analysis published online August 15, 2012, in Psychiatric Services, a journal of the American Psychiatric Association.


National survey data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that approximately 14 percent of high school students seriously consider suicide each year, 11 percent have...

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