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December 21, 2013

The RAND Corporation released a report about marijuana in WA - Before the Grand Opening: Measuring Washington State’s Marijuana Market in the Last Year Before Legalized Commercial Sales.  It contains a great deal of data including information about youth use by county, demographics, and how people who use marijuana get the drug (mostly from friends). 

Full text...

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December 21, 2013

The percentage of high-school students who see great risk from being regular marijuana users has dropped dramatically in the past 10 years, according to this year’s Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey, which measures drug use and attitudes among the nation’s 8th, 10th, and 12th-graders. (Full text of report)

The change in attitudes is reflected in continued high rates of marijuana use in all three...

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December 21, 2013

The National Institutes of Health has selected eight projects to receive support to answer some of the most fundamental problems on traumatic brain injury, including understanding long-term effects of repeated head injuries and improving diagnosis of concussions. (Full text of announcement with award recipients.)


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December 21, 2013

A new study for people who have current alcohol problems and PTSD is seeking participants who will receive free treatment. This is a University of Washington and Seattle VA study to evaluate the effectiveness of two evidence-based psychotherapies: Relapse Prevention and Cognitive Processing Therapy.

People with both PTSD and alcohol use problems have often found it difficult to get treatment that would address both sets of issues. Over the past 10 to 15 years new therapies...

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December 20, 2013

By Margot Peppers, Daily Mail

Cooking wine isn't meant for consumption, but more and more teens are buying bottles of it to get drunk.

According to ...

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December 20, 2013

Every day, coalitions are creating big changes in their communities. They’re building safer neighborhoods, they’re reducing youth drug use, they’re saving lives and saving money. Help us show the world the power of our movement. Participate in CADCA’s Power of the Movement multimedia campaign.

Here’s How It Works:

OPTION #1: Create a video up to 15 seconds long that answers the question: I am CADCA because...

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December 17, 2013

The purpose of the Youth Problem Gambling & the Arts Grant is to empower young adults in Washington State to make healthy choices around risky behaviors, such as gambling. Each year, at least one student group is selected to produce a program or project using the arts—such as music, dance, visual, or media arts—that educates their peers and community about youth problem gambling prevention and...

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December 10, 2013

The Washington State Liquor Control Board would like your input on the attached proposed rules to implement 2013 legislation by creating new rules for theater licenses, WAC 314-02-082 and WAC 314-02-087.  A CR 102 was filed with the Code Reviser...

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November 23, 2013

Super Bowl XLVIII is February 2, 2014

NHTSA, along with the National Football League (NFL) and Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management (TEAM) Coalition, have joined forces with local highway safety and law enforcement officials to spread the message about designating a sober driver on Super Bowl Sunday, because - Fans Don't Let Fans Drive Drunk.

Spread the word. Click...

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November 23, 2013

As part of MADD’s Power of You(th) underage drinking prevention program, we are seeking submissions from youth for our video contest that speaks to the importance of how today’s decisions about alcohol impact the future. There is still time to enter and cash prizes are always a nice incentive. Can you please help us circulate the attached flyer and the information below to any youth groups and schools you are working with?      

$1,500 for...

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November 23, 2013

Powerful retrospective of 20 years of messages from Australia’s Transport Accident Commission, set to “Everybody Hurts” from REM.

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November 23, 2013

Center for Disease Control, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR),  November 8, 2013 / 62(44);877-880

Excessive alcohol consumption accounted for an estimated 4,700 deaths and 280,000 years of potential life lost among...

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November 23, 2013

RCW 82.08.170

Apportionment and distribution from liquor excise tax fund.


(1) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, during the months of January, April, July, and October of each year, the state treasurer must make the transfers required...

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November 23, 2013

Thank you for your interest in last weeks Symposium on Legal Marijuana in Washington, sponsored by the UW Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute.  We had 150 attendees, with diverse areas of interest around the issues of legal marijuana.

The symposium videos and slides...

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November 23, 2013

NOTICE OF RULE MAKING – Proposed Rules #13-20

The Washington State Liquor Control Board would like your input on the attached proposed rule for marijuana consumption in liquor licensed premises in WAC 314-11-015 What are my responsibilities as a liquor license? This rule was filed with the Code Reviser’s Office on October 30, 2013.

This notice contains the actual text of the proposed rule. You can provide input by submitting written comments or by...

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