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Home » Show the Strength of Our Movement; Take Part in CADCA’s Power of the Movement Campaign

Show the Strength of Our Movement; Take Part in CADCA’s Power of the Movement Campaign

Every day, coalitions are creating big changes in their communities. They’re building safer neighborhoods, they’re reducing youth drug use, they’re saving lives and saving money. Help us show the world the power of our movement. Participate in CADCA’s Power of the Movement multimedia campaign.

Here’s How It Works:

OPTION #1: Create a video up to 15 seconds long that answers the question: I am CADCA because…
The video doesn’t need to be a big production. It would merely show you or someone else from your coalition saying “I am CADCA because…” If you prefer to do a group video, then change the statement to “We are CADCA because…”
Not sure what to say? Here are some examples:
I am CADCA because I believe in the power of prevention.
I am CADCA because I want drug-free communities.
I am CADCA because coalitions work!
We are CADCA because we are tackling one of the biggest public health challenges of our time.
We are CADCA because coalitions are effective vehicles for change.
We are CADCA because we need smart, drug-free kids in our communities.
CLICK HERE to view a sample video.

OPTION #2: Take a photo of you or someone else holding a sign that reads “I am CADCA because…”
If you prefer to do a group video, then change the statement to “We are CADCA because…” (See sample statements above)