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December 22, 2015

The 2016 Drug Free Communities Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) has been posted on the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) Drug Free Communities Support Program website.

Information related to the 2016 DFC FOA will continue to be posted to this site.


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December 16, 2015

There is a newly published peer-reviewed paper from the College Life Study entitled “The academic consequences of marijuana use during college.” The abstract is available for free online (  A research brief describing the findings is attached.

The study followed 1,117 college students for eight years to test the direct and indirect effects of...

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December 11, 2015

The Partnership for Drug Free Kids has announced a new Above the Influence Campaign, “Who’s in Control” and online game, “PositivATI.”  

"Who's in control" is a 2016-2017 TV/online campaign that uses a unique visual device to communicate the various pressures that teens face (including drugs, alcohol, body image) - highlighting that you're not in control when...

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December 8, 2015

December 8, marks the 10th anniversary of Washington State’s implementation of the ...

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December 4, 2015

Application deadline has passed.

Thrive is excited to announce the release of a competitive funding opportunity for the Home Visiting Services Account: FY16 Start-Up Funding Opportunity. Please note that this funding opportunity is only available to programs that are starting up an eligible home visiting program model or have started up an eligible model within 12 months of the application due date.

We will be holding...

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December 4, 2015

The National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) Open Submission Period began on November 23, 2015 and will continue through January 26, 2016.

NREPP is a searchable online registry of more than 350 substance abuse and mental health interventions. NREPP was developed to help the public learn more about evidence-based interventions that are available for implementation....

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December 4, 2015

Attached is the most recent issue of the CESAR FAX, which is also available online at

CESAR FAX may be copied without permission. Please cite CESAR as the source.

November 22, 2015

Opioid epidemic continues in Washington

Progress in preventing deaths from prescription narcotics compromised by rising heroin fatalities

OLYMPIA -- New Washington health data shows a significant drop in deaths from prescription narcotics in recent years. Tragically, the decline is offset by a doubling of the number of heroin deaths...

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November 17, 2015

The Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) is pleased to release the Request for Applications (RFA) for the expansion of youth substance abuse prevention services in Washington State. This is a DBHR grant opportunity supported with Dedicated Marijuana Account prevention funds for community-based organizations (CBOs) and public entities to apply to implement prevention programs in communities. Priority will be given for services to be focused in high-need...

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November 17, 2015

From the Washington State Department of Health:

Opportunity for Input: Marijuana Scheduling

In his ...

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November 14, 2015

CMS Releases Medicare Prescription Opioid Mapping Tool

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released an interactive online mapping...

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November 14, 2015

National Webinar (Part 2) 

On October 13th 2015, SAMHSA's Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) delivered a national webinar Addressing the Prevention Needs of College Students: Collecting Data and Fostering Buy-In.


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November 11, 2015

On October 13th 2015, SAMHSA's Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) delivered a national webinar Addressing the Prevention Needs of College Students: Collecting Data and Fostering Buy-In.

The slides, handout, and recording from the webinar are available through the links below.

Materials include:

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November 1, 2015

Attached is the most recent issue of the CESAR FAX, which is also available online at

CESAR FAX may be copied without...

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October 30, 2015

E-cigarettes: An Emerging Public Health Challenge

Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, are an emerging challenge for public health. These devices are part of a growing landscape of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) that includes many different types of products, such as vape pens...

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