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Home » Addressing the Prevention Needs of College Students: Collecting Data and Fostering Buy-In

Addressing the Prevention Needs of College Students: Collecting Data and Fostering Buy-In

National Webinar (Part 2) 

On October 13th 2015, SAMHSA's Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) delivered a national webinar Addressing the Prevention Needs of College Students: Collecting Data and Fostering Buy-In.

The slides, handout, and recording from the webinar are below.

Materials include:


PowerPoint Slides


Certificates of Attendance

Participants who attended the live webinar can request a certificate of attendance for 1.5 hours. We invite participants to submit these certificates to the substance abuse prevention credentialing board in their state, tribe, or jurisdiction. Please note that it is up to the individual credentialing board to determine if these hours are acceptable for professional credentialing or re-certification. To request a certificate, contact Molly Lowe, National and Cohort-Based Services Manager for SAMHSA's CAPT,


Please contact Molly Lowe, National and Cohort-Based Services Manager for SAMHSA's CAPT, at