The site for substance use disorder prevention and mental health promotion professionals and volunteers.

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June 23, 2022
Please see the two updates below regarding the upcoming LCMs:
  • The August LCM has been re-scheduled for Wednesday, August 17 at 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. This change occurred to accommodate for the National Prevention Network (NPN) conference. Updates can be found on the Athena calendar event.
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June 23, 2022

Data for Rural Health Equity is designed to increase understanding of population health concepts and help public health professionals develop skills and confidence in effectively communicating with data, including sharing data visually in charts and graphs.

The training starts August 24 with self-paced learning modules and is followed by live, interactive workshops....

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June 23, 2022

The University of Washington (UW) recently received the FORE grant to establish the Northwest Center for Family Support to build capacity statewide to implement evidence-based practices for families in opioid use disorder recovery who have children ages 0 to 18. UW is looking to engage coalitions and CBOs to partner to ensure the Center is a sustainable part of Washington’s opioid crisis response. If interested in learning more, please email the ...

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June 22, 2022

An online media literacy experiment will take on social media disinformation about substance use

Even adults can believe misinformation about substance use, so a professor at Washington State University is launching an experiment to see if a media literacy infographic might help make 18-29 year-olds more skeptical. She is requesting your help to collect misleading or outright false social media-based misinformation messages about alcohol, cannabis, tobacco,...

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June 21, 2022
The CADCA Got Outcomes! awards application is now open for community coalitions! This award program recognizes coalitions nationally that have created positive, long-lasting changes in their communities by implementing a comprehensive plan guided by local data. There are three different award categories:
  • Coalition in Focus: for coalitions that have had short-term outcomes (6-24 months)
  • Coalition of Excellence: for coalitions that have had short and intermediate...
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June 21, 2022
CPWI coalitions can view their 2022 Community Risk Profile Summary Reports on The Athena Forum. These reports are designed to assist coalitions in their prevention strategic planning. Data for your county is presented by school district and will assist with your assessment of problems associated with substance use.
Find your profile summary by:
  • Searching "your county" + 2022 (example: Thurston 2022) on The...
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June 15, 2022

The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses led to a decision to allow alcohol licensees to provide home delivery and curbside pick-up for both on-premises (e.g., restaurants) and off-premises (e.g., grocery stores) outlets, with certain limitations and requirements.  The legislature extended these privileges to July 2023. The LCB has been conducting compliance checks for these allowances, but doing so is somewhat difficult and costly, and therefore the number of checks...

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June 15, 2022

Teens 14-19 can work out for free at Planet Fitness through August 31.  Regular exercise helps teens stay healthy and boosts self-esteem. Encourage teens to take advantage of this opportunity with a friend to develop healthy peer relationships and remain connected with friends over summer break.

Those who sign up will be entered for a chance to win a $500 scholarship, with one awarded per state. Plus, you’ll be entered to win a $5,000 grand prize scholarship.

Check out...

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June 9, 2022

Session Objectives:

  1. Review evidence-based programs (EBPs) registries, reviews and resources supporting Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program effectiveness.
  2. Identify both national/federal and state registries listing various PPW programs.



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June 9, 2022

The Prevention Awards of Excellence are an opportunity to recognize individuals and organizations for their dedication and contributions to the Prevention field.

Please take the time to nominate a colleague, young person, program or organization in the following award categories:

  • ...
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June 7, 2022

June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month

June is ...

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June 1, 2022

Session Objectives:

  1. Review steps for implementing Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) youth and parent programs and media campaigns.
  2. Discuss examples of implementation settings and populations.
  3. Describe options for PPW lesson follow-up and evaluation.


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May 31, 2022

The following is excerpted from the website:

In late April, 2022, the FDA released two proposed...

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May 31, 2022

In May 2022, SAMHSA hosted a webinar commemorating National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day and honoring youth and family peer support. The hour-long video is now available for viewing. 

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May 31, 2022

The deadline for final A-19 invoice submission is August 14, 2021 for contractors that receive the following funding sources that end on June 30, 2021: General Fund Source, Dedicated Marijuana Account, and Mental Health Promotion Project. If possible, please consider leaving time for needed corrections or resubmissions. All Minerva reporting for June services is due July 15, 2021.

If you have any concerns or questions,...

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