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March 3, 2012

Below are links to current openings.

Director of Development and Advancement - full-time position, eligible for full benefits package


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March 3, 2012

By Join Together Staff

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is reviewing complaints about the amount of alcohol in the sweet alcoholic drink Four Loko, and how it is marketed, the Associated Press reports.

The drink, sometimes called “blackout in a can,” gained national attention in 2010 after college students in New Jersey and Washington state were hospitalized after consuming the fruit-flavored malt liquor. Following warnings by the Food and Drug...

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March 3, 2012

By Join Together Staff

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) announced this week it is extending its ban on synthetic drugs such as “Spice...

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March 3, 2012

By Join Together Staff

Marines may be required to take Breathalyzer tests as part of an overall wellness program expected to be announced by U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus. The Marine Corps Times reports the program, called the “21st Century Sailor and Marine Initiative,” will address issues related to behavioral health, including substance abuse, suicide and sexual assault prevention, and other issues related to combat readiness.

Navy submarine...

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March 3, 2012

By Join Together Staff

A report scheduled to be released March 8 by the U.S. Surgeon General’s office will urge increased state funding for anti-smoking programs.

The programs have been cut due to budgetary problems, even though they have been shown to be successful and lead to health care cost savings, according to the Associated Press.

“It is a hard-hitting report and it’s going to say, ‘Why haven’t we ended this...

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March 1, 2012

According to a recent study published in Health Day, watching a lot of movies that feature alcohol doubles the likelihood that young teens will start drinking, and these teens are more likely to progress to binge drinking, according to a new study.

The researchers said their findings suggest that U.S. movie makers should adopt the same restrictions for alcohol-product placement as they have for tobacco.

The study included more than 6,500 U.S. kids, aged 10 to 14, who were...

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March 1, 2012

A new report shows that nearly half (46.6 percent) of all substance abuse treatment admissions involving college or other post secondary school students ages 18 to 24 were primarily related to alcohol disorders. The rate of primary alcohol-related treatment admissions is far higher among college students than for non-college students in the same age bracket (46.6 percent versus 30.6 percent) according to this new report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (...

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March 1, 2012

The Higher Education Center, on behalf of the U.S. Department of Education, is now accepting applications for the Translating Research to Practice: Overcoming Barriers to Implementing Effective Off-Campus Party Prevention Training Institute, to be held in Portland, OR, at the Marriott Downtown Waterfront, April 17-18, 2012.

During this two-day Training Institute, participants will build upon existing skills to learn how to implement evidence-based prevention strategies to...

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March 1, 2012

By Matt Batchelor, The Daily Olympian

The Olympia City Council voted unanimously on first reading to ask eight businesses to voluntarily ban the sale of single-serve containers of beer, malt liquor and fortified wine with high alcohol content. The ban, which creates an Alcohol Impact Area, could become mandatory after six months if the voluntary measure doesn’t work. That would require approval from the Liquor Control Board.

Most of downtown is affected, from...

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February 25, 2012

4Results Mentoring, a program of Columbia River Mental Health Service (CRMHS), Vancouver, WA, has been awarded evaluation support funding through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Service to Science Initiative’s 2011-12 - Building Evaluation Capacity for Evidence-based Interventions program.

SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) selected the 4Results Mentoring proposal for support...

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February 25, 2012

What are the effects of drugs like marijuana or cocaine? Why are drugs so hard to quit? Does drug treatment work? Get the answers to these and other important questions on the new web site, “...

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February 25, 2012

Now recognized as an epidemic, President Obama's 2011 National Drug Control Strategy highlights non-medical use of prescription drugs as "America's fastest growing drug problem."  As a component of substance abuse prevention plans, drug takeback programs have become increasingly popular as policymakers struggle to provide individuals with a secure and convenient way to dispose of unused medications.

To learn more about takeback programs, Carnevale Associates...

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February 21, 2012

Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation has just released a new manual focusing on strategies for reducing underage drinking on college campuses. 

Learn more about the EUDL College Environmental Strategies publication.

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February 21, 2012

Intimate partner violence (IPV) has been linked to heavy drinking, substance use by one or both partners, and living in a neighborhood characterized by poverty and social disadvantage. Alcohol outlet density has been linked to assaultive violence in a community. A study of the association between alcohol outlet densities and intimate partner violence (IPV)-related visits to emergency room/emergency departments throughout California between July 2005 and December 2008 has found that density...

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