Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Promotion Services funding opportunity announcement (FOA)
The Washington State Health Care Authority's (HCA) Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) is proud to release a funding opportunity announcement (FOA)! The purpose of this FOA is to seek applications from organizations interested in implementing programming and services that focus on substance use disorder prevention services related to opioids and cannabis, mental health promotion, suicide prevention, and disordered eating prevention in Washington state.
The purpose of this funding is to increase community capacity to implement direct service programs to communities experiencing the highest need and risk. Multiple contracts may be awarded. These direct services are required to be primarily evidence-based programs with opportunities to implement promising programs or innovations to fill identified gaps based on strong evidence or sound theories of change for addressing the identified needs. These direct programs should be selected to address local conditions, and implemented in a way that ensures quality and culturally appropriate implementation. Awarded applicants will also be required to meet additional requirements dependent upon the fund source(s) awarded. Awarded applicants will implement services on a regular annual basis.
Organizations that are eligible to apply include tribal governments or urban Indian organizations (UIO), government agencies (school districts, law enforcement agencies, city/county, educational service districts (ESDs)), behavioral health organizations, youth and family serving organizations, primary care organizations, public or private organizations, non-profits, and community coalitions (Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative (CPWI), Drug-Free Communities (DFC), Department of Health (DOH), and other).
Interested applicants can view and download the FOA documents below. The FOA announcement document outlines the requirements and processes to apply, and the FOA application form should be completed by all applicants. Action plan and budget documents are available for reference.
- FOA (Please note: Amendment 4 posted March 28, 2025)
- FOA application (Please note: Amendment posted March 25, 2025)
- FOA action plan template
- FOA budget template
Applicants who have questions and/or requests for clarifications regarding the FOA may submit them via email to with #2025PxPromo01 – Question included in the subject line. All correspondence regarding this solicitation must reference the FOA number in the subject line. Pre-application webinars will be held on the following dates:
- Thursday, February 13, 2025, 2:05 to 3 p.m.
- Thursday, February 20, 2025,1:05 to 2 p.m.
- Thursday, February 27, 2025, 11:05 a.m. to noon
Pre-application webinar slides can be downloaded HERE
The Q&A document can be downloaded HERE
Completed application packets are due Tuesday, April 1, 2025. Note, any award as a result of this FOA is contingent upon the availability of funding.