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Friends for Life fentanyl education campaign launches youth materials

The Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA) is expanding on its statewide fentanyl education campaign, Friends for Life, with new materials and messaging designed to reach youth ages 12-18 and their parents/caregivers with primary prevention strategies.

Earlier this year, HCA launched the Friends for Life campaign to inform young adults about the risks of illicit fentanyl and the power of naloxone to reverse opioid overdoses. Materials and resources from this phase of the campaign will still be available on the website in addition to the new pieces.

Webinar: Fentanyl education campaign and Take Back Day

Please join us for an upcoming webinar in October to learn about resources available to support fentanyl education and Take Back Day activities in your community. This 60-minute webinar will provide prevention partners with an:

New fentanyl education materials for native communities

Washington Health Care Authority (HCA) has just launched an update to the WA Tribal Opioid Solutions campaign, now titled For Our Lives, to support native serving organizations working in prevention and treatment in Washington State.

Do you have plans to participate in National Drug Take Back Day?

National Drug Take Back Day is coming up on Saturday, April 22, 2023. Local communities across the state and nation will be partnering with the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) to host awareness events to educate the public on safe medication return and provide an opportunity for community members to dispose of leftover or expired prescription and over-the-counter drugs freely, safely, and conveniently. In addition, vape pens and other e-cigarette devices with batteries removed can be collected, too.

Safe Medication Return's new website and toll-free number

Safe Medication Return lets people appropriately dispose of unwanted household over the counter and prescription medications (including for pets). Secure storage and safe disposal of medication helps reduce overdoses, poisonings, and suicide attempts. Safely disposing of medication also keeps it out of our environment which helps protect our water and soil.

Washington’s two approved drug take-back program operators, MED-Project and Inmar, recently launched:

2021 Monitoring the Future Survey outcomes released

The Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan conducts an annual survey completed by students in grades 8, 10 and 12. A subset of that group is tracked through adulthood. Their headline finding of the Monitoring the Future survey this year was that marijuana and hallucinogen use among young adults 19 to 30 years old reached all-time high in 2021. 
Other key findings for young adults from the press release include:

    Don't miss this year's Region 10 Opioid Summit, register today!

    The 2024 Region 10 Opioid Summit will be held in a hybrid format, with an in-person option in Boise, Idaho on July 25-26. This year's theme is "Breaking barriers, saving lives: Empowering individuals, strengthening families, healing communities, and embracing recovery."  

    Interested in working with us? Apply to the open Development and Strategic Initiatives Prevention Supervisor position!

    Are you interested in impacting the health of wellness of individuals in Washington schools and communities as part of a team that is leading the nation in the advancement of prevention and promotion services? If so, consider applying to the open Development and Strategic Initiatives Prevention Supervisor position with the Health Care Authority's Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery.

    Registration is open! Region 10 Opioid Summit

    We are the Foundation: Improving the Workforce Pillars for Opioid Prevention, Treatment, Recovery, and Intervention
    Join us for a two-day Opioid Summit including multiple breakout sessions focused around prevention, special interventions, treatment and recovery, and plenary sessions you don’t want to miss! 

    Register now for this free, virtual event that takes place August 3-4.
