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Home » World Suicide Prevention Day is Sept 10th

World Suicide Prevention Day is Sept 10th

Throughout September, The Trevor Project’s National Suicide Prevention Month, people nationwide are invited to join “Talk to Me,” the campaign for conversation. “Talk to Me” is rooted in research that indicates improving both help-seeking behaviors and access to care can have a dramatic effect on suicide prevention. By making it ok to offer help and being willing to connect a person with life-saving resources, with only 3 simple words, a person can help save a life.

Raising awareness about suicide prevention in September highlights the urgency of addressing the preventable, third leading cause of death among youth as young as age 10 through age 24 . National Suicide Prevention Month includes recognition of National Suicide Prevention Week, (Sept. 9 -15), World Suicide Prevention Day (Sept. 10)

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More resources:

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

24-Hour Crisis Line - Washington Stat

World Suicide Prevention Day

Media & Information Kit

See what other organizations are planning for Suicide Prevention Week 2012.