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Home » Webinar: Request for Application No. 3882 for the Substance Use Disorder Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Project and Suicide Prevention Project Community-Based Organization Enhancement Grants pre-application webinar

Webinar: Request for Application No. 3882 for the Substance Use Disorder Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Project and Suicide Prevention Project Community-Based Organization Enhancement Grants pre-application webinar

The purpose of this funding opportunity is to increase capacity to implement direct and environmental alcohol, tobacco, opioid, and other drug prevention services in high-need communities, as well as Mental Health Promotion Projects and Suicide Prevention Projects. HCA/DBHR will award multiple Contracts to Tribal government or Urban Indian programs, public or private Community-Based Organizations, and government agencies to provide quality and culturally competent Evidence-Based, Research-Based, and Promising Programs to address substance use prevention, mental health promotion programs or suicide prevention projects. Proposals are due: November 1, 2019 at 2 pm.

All prospective applicants should attend this pre-application webinar; however, attendance is not mandatory.

Date and Time: 
October 9, 2019 - 11:00am to September 26, 2024 - 3:20pm