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Home » Washington Gets 4 out of 5 Stars From MADD For Impaired Driving Laws

Washington Gets 4 out of 5 Stars From MADD For Impaired Driving Laws

Good evening, I wanted to pass along some great news, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) just released their “Rate the State” Report. Washington improved from 3-Stars in the last report (in 2012) to 4-Stars in this report (2014). This report is very similar to what they did in 2012, and rates states on the same five DUI criteria awarding a star for each one:

Ø  Ignition Interlocks for all Offenders

Ø  Sobriety Checkpoints

Ø  No Refusal

Ø  Administrative License Revocation (ALR)

Ø  Child Endangerment

The ONLY thing keeping us from attaining 5-Stars, and more importantly saving more lives, is the passage of Sobriety Checkpoints.  This was a top recommendation from the Impaired Driving Workgroup.  Please review the 2014 Campaign report and please feel free to share this with your staff, place on your website, etc.

Director Darrin T. Grondel

Washington Traffic Safety Commission

(360) 725-9899

(360) 701-5715 (Cell)