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diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)

Health Equity Series: The History of African Americans, Tobacco, and Racism

Please join Washington Breathes for the first session of our Health Equity Capacity-Building Series led by our partners at The Center for Black Health and Equity.

Understanding the history and context of commercial tobacco use and its disproportionate impacts on African Americans and other communities of color is critical to identifying ongoing inequities and industry tactics.

Washington Breathes Coalition Forming

Substance abuse professionals and organizations interested in smoking and vaping prevention and nicotine cessation treatment are encouraged to engage in a new statewide coalition. Washington Breathes is launching as a participant-driven, equity-focused partnership to address commercial tobacco and nicotine dependence at a policy, systems, and environmental changes level. Learn more at 

Youth Engagement Strategies Workbook

Working with Recent Immigrants and Migrants

Working with Rural Populations

Working with People with Disabilities
