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Substance misuse

New Evidence-based SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness 2.0 Programs Available

We just updated the SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness program manuals and digital downloads.

Changes include enhanced program PowerPoint slides, screening and feedback surveys, goal plans, and scripts for implementing SPORT PPW screening and brief interventions to youth individually and in groups.

Updated SAMHSA Behavioral Health Publications: Tips for Teens

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Tips for Teens fact sheets provide information about the effects of short- and long-term use of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and inhalants. In 2018, SAMHSA released fact sheets for additional substances. These brochures provide facts and answer frequently asked questions about each of the substances covered. Fact sheets include:

Washington Poison Center Presentation

Vashon Island VARSA Communication Plan

CDC guide to effective alcohol regulation
