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Home » A social justice approach to working with and for young people in substance use prevention, workshop 2

A social justice approach to working with and for young people in substance use prevention, workshop 2

Is your organization ready to engage young people in your prevention work? Could the framework of social justice youth development add to your planned or existing work with and for youth? This 2-part series builds on highly attended and well-received previous webinars hosted by the Southeast PTTC and responds to requests for additional practice-oriented and interactive content.

In the second workshop, we invite participants to learn more about the social justice youth development framework and we will focus on how to identify and address unequal distributions of power in youth-adult relationships. The workshop will close with reflection and discussion, tailored to participants’ own level of youth engagement identified through a pre-survey, about how to engage in practices that enhance authentic collaboration between youth and adults and to apply concepts to their own contexts to deepen commitment to youth voice.

Date and Time: 
May 15, 2024 - 9:00am to 11:00am