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Home » Scholarships available for the National Conference on Problem Gambling

Scholarships available for the National Conference on Problem Gambling

Dear Washington State Behavioral Health, Chemical Dependency, Addictions, Mental Health Educators

and Students:


The 27th National Conference on Problem Gambling Prevention, Research, Recovery, and Treatment

will be held this year in our own backyard! 


With the theme Connections: Building Partnerships, this year's conference will be held July 17-20 at

the DoubleTree Seattle Airport. 


We understand that professional development and travel budgets are tight for everyone in this

economy, and the Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling (ECPG) and the Washington  State

Department of Social and Health Services -- Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR)

have partnered to help ensure that as many Washington  State College and University Educators and Students

in the fields of Behavioral Health, Addictions, Mental Health, Prevention, Public Health, and

Chemical Dependency as possible can take advantage of the opportunity to attend this great conference. 


With this in mind, ECPG/DBHR are offering a limited number of Professional Development/Scholarship Opportunities for Educators and Students at Washington State Colleges and Universities to attend the National  Conference  (The Pre-Conference Workshops AND the Main Conference!).  Please see the attached application form for more information or go to the ECPG Website at to get a downloadable application form.


Professional Development/Scholarship Includes (total value up to $1,008):


  • Full National Conference registration and Pre-Conference Workshops for July 17-20, 2013
  • Hotel stipend of $50 per night for up to three nights at the conference hotel
  • Joint ECPG/NCPG Membership for one year (For those not already members)
  • Admission to Friday Night Highlight Event at Tillicum Village
  • Members Lunch and Reception (July 18)


Student Scholarship recipients must be currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student at a community college, college or university in Washington pursuing education in the fields of behavioral health, addictions, prevention, public health, chemical dependency, mental health or related fields.  Educators must be currently employed as a teacher or counselor working with students in a Washington State community college, college, or university.   Completed application form, registration form, and supporting documentation must be sent directly to ECPG and postmarked by May 25, 2013.  Scholarship recipients will be notified by May 31, 2013.


Look over the featured presenters and sessions that cover a wide range of treatment, prevention, education, research, recovery, and responsible gaming topics with leaders in the field.   We hope you will be interested in attending this conference to learn and to network with professionals in the field. Please share this information with any eligible students and educators you feel may be interested.






Maureen L. Greeley, Executive Director

Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling

360.352.6133   FAX:  360.352.4133

1929 Fourth Avenue East

Olympia, WA  98506


visit our Website at


Toll-free Helpline:  1.800.547.6133