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SAMSHA Releases New Guide for Mayors: Fighting Behavioral Health Problems



New Guide for Mayors: Fighting Behavioral Health Problems

Preventing, treating, and supporting recovery from behavioral health problems is essential for communities to be healthy, safe, and successful. Mayors and municipal leaders have an important role in providing leadership and support for their community's behavioral health needs.

To address these needs, SAMHSA has released "Mayors' Resource Guide on Behavioral Health Issues." The guide helps ensure that mayors and municipal leaders have the information they need to address the behavioral health needs of their community's children, adults, and families. They can do this by supporting the prevention and treatment of mental illness and recovery from mental illness.

Unaddressed behavioral health problems may have a negative effect on the economy of cities, towns, and counties. Related costs may increase across systems, including health care, emergency and social services, special education, services for homelessness, law enforcement, the criminal justice system, and health insurance for municipal employees. In addition, behavioral health problems may impact the productivity of local businesses and their health care costs, impede the ability of children and youth to succeed in school, and lead to family and community disruption.

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