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SAMHSA Grants posted

Up to $67.1 Million Available in SAMHSA Grants:

Up to $51 Million Available in Project LAUNCH Grants

The purpose of Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health (Project LAUNCH) is to promote the wellness of young children from birth to 8 years by addressing the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of their development.

Up to $13.1 Million Available in Circle of Care VI Grants for American Indian/Alaska Native Communities

The purpose of this program is to provide tribal and urban American Indian and Alaska Native communities with tools and resources to plan and design a holistic, community-based coordinated system of care approach to support mental health and wellness for children, youth, and families.

Up to $3 Million Available in Recovery Community Services Program-Statewide Network Grants

The purpose of this program is to expand the capacity of addiction recovery community organizations through the development of an organized statewide network.

Advisory to Treatment Community on the Danger of Heroin Contaminated With Fentanyl

SAMHSA has issued an advisory to the treatment community about a marked increase in deaths since the beginning of the year that were reportedly linked to the use of heroin contaminated with the drug fentanyl.

Drug-Free Communities Support Program Grants Announced

The Office of National Drug Control Policy has announced $19.8 million in new Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program grants to 147 communities and 19 new DFC Mentoring grants across the country.