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Home » A Prevention practitioner's guide to risk and protective factors: Going deeper on protective factors - Session 3

A Prevention practitioner's guide to risk and protective factors: Going deeper on protective factors - Session 3

Substance misuse prevention problems are adaptive challenges – that is, complex and evolving problems that require multifaceted and dynamic solutions. While the focus addressing substance misuse prevention problems is essential, it is by identifying and working through the risk and protective factors that influence those problems that prevention practitioners can most effectively bring about positive change. But, what are these factors and how do we leverage them to strengthen our prevention efforts? Join us for this interactive, three-part webinar series to explore everything you ever needed to know about risk and protective factors.

Session three, Going Deeper on Protective Factors, will explore the importance of harnessing protective factors to advance our prevention aims and the rationale for taking a systems-level approach to promoting healthy development for all members of our communities as part of our substance misuse prevention efforts.

Date and Time: 
February 6, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:30am