The site for substance use disorder prevention and mental health promotion professionals and volunteers.

Home » Now available: New Focus On Instagram and Start Talking Now social

Now available: New Focus On Instagram and Start Talking Now social

Check out our newly-launched Focus On Instagram page and the Start Talking Now Facebook page, and give us a follow or like to stay in the loop with the latest prevention social! The Focus On toolkit (password: FocusOnYou) and Start Talking Now toolkit (password: StartTheConversation) will also be updated regularly with new monthly social content, with Start Talking Now assets available in English and Spanish.

In September 2020, HCA launched the statewide Focus On campaign to prevent underage drinking among high school teens. The campaign spotlights positive social norms, outlines the risks and consequences of underage drinking, and encourages teens to choose healthy ways to deal with stress, anxiety, and boredom.

The Start Talking Now campaign is based on research showing that when parents and trusted adults are involved in their teenagers’ lives, set clear rules and expectations, and monitor what they do; teens are less likely to use alcohol and other drugs. Campaign materials are designed to help parents and caregivers start and maintain effective conversations about not using alcohol and other drugs.
