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Home » CADCA's Annual Survey of Coalitions

CADCA's Annual Survey of Coalitions

The Annual Survey is the only survey of coalitions for coalitions. It is the single source where coalitions, policymakers, researchers and practitioners can access up-to-date information on coalitions.

The aim of CADCA's Annual Survey is to identify coalitions around the country and learn more about what they are doing in their communities to address substance abuse problems. By adding their voice to the Annual Survey, coalitions provide critically needed information to advance the coalition field and help inform CADCA of training and technical assistance needs vital to coalitions.

  • Survey questions focus on coalition characteristics, activities and focus.
  • The survey takes approximately 30 minutes to complete
  • The preferred person to fill out the survey is the coalition operations manager, director, CEO, executive director, etc.

How to Participate in the Annual Survey of Coalitions

Please contact CADCA to receive your personal survey link.
Phone: 1-800-542-2322, ext. 262 Allison Jacobs, Evaluation and Research Manager