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Home » Liquor Excise Tax Distributions Announced, Help Fund Local Chemical Dependency Services

Liquor Excise Tax Distributions Announced, Help Fund Local Chemical Dependency Services

RCW 82.08.170

Apportionment and distribution from liquor excise tax fund.


(1) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, during the months of January, April, July, and October of each year, the state treasurer must make the transfers required under subsections (2) and (3) of this section from the liquor excise tax fund and then the apportionment and distribution of all remaining moneys in the liquor excise tax fund to the counties, cities, and towns in the following proportions: (a) Twenty percent of the moneys in the liquor excise tax fund must be divided among and distributed to the counties of the state in accordance with the provisions of RCW 66.08.200; and (b) eighty percent of the moneys in the liquor excise tax fund must be divided among and distributed to the cities and towns of the state in accordance with the provisions of RCW 66.08.210.

Note: RCW 70.96A.087 requires each county and city to spend 2 percent of its share of state liquor board profits and state liquor excise taxes on alcohol and chemical dependency services. However, it is also possible for counties and cities to allocate a larger percentage of these funds to support chemical dependency services.

The most recent allocations of liquor excise taxes, by city and county, are available through the link below: