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Home » CDC’s Guide to Writing for Social Media available free to download

CDC’s Guide to Writing for Social Media available free to download

CDC’s Guide to Writing for Social Media was written to provide guidance and share the lessons learned in more than three years of creating social media messages in CDC health communication campaigns, activities, and emergency response efforts. In this guide, you will find information to help you write more effectively using multiple social media channels, particularly Facebook, Twitter, and mobile phone text messaging. The guide is intended for a beginner audience, although some readers with an intermediate level may find it useful too.

Some of the topics covered:

  • How social media should be part of your overall health communication efforts
  • How to incorporate the principles of health literacy in your messages
  • Separate chapters on writing for Facebook, Twitter, and text messaging

There are several ways you can access CDC's Guide for Writing for Social Media:

For a description of the Guide, along with other CDC social media tools and guidance:

The link to the actual PDF of the Writing Guide:

The Guide on the Health Communication Gateway “Tools and Templates” webpage:
