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Home » You’re Invited to get in the Big Bowl Vote

You’re Invited to get in the Big Bowl Vote

Middle and High School Students VOTE on their FAVORITE Super Bowl commercials!
The NFL Super Bowl is known for its commercials as much as the game itself.DID YOU KNOW? Of that wide viewing audience, about 18% will be youth under 21.  If your child (student) is one of them, he or she will be exposed to alcohol advertising.
That is why you need to GET IN THE GAME! Last year, more than 35,000 middle and high school students in 42 states participated in the Drug-Free Action Alliance (DFAA) Big Bowl Vote 2011, which once again revealed the youth appeal of alcohol advertising.
Through research, we know that the more youth are exposed to alcohol advertising, the more likely they are to consume alcohol underage.
To further assess the impact of advertising on youth, we invite you to participate in the DFAA BIG BOWL VOTE 2012.

Through a simple, two-question, student questionnaire given Monday morning following the Super Bowl, middle and high school students share their impressions on what advertisements they remember seeing and which commercial was their favorite. DFAA will collect and summarize the data, and you’ll receive the results just days after the Super Bowl. For the Student Questionnaire, click here.
This valuable, fresh and local information can then be used to educate parents, students, lawmakers and the media about the effects of alcohol advertising on youth.

NEW THIS YEAR! In order to engage students, we’re stepping into their world of technology. What better way to reach the average teen than their cell phone (or home computer)! To gain access to instant feedback on the ads from youth, we will be encouraging middle and high school students to TWEET about their favorite and not-so-favorite commercials, during and after the big game. We will also be tossing out some questions specific to the alcohol ads to gain further insight. But in order to bring the youth on board, we need your help by getting them to “follow” us. And if you want in on what they have to say, you’ll need a Twitter account to follow us too. You and your students can find us on Twitter @DrugFreeAction. To set up your free Twitter account, click here. Need to get up to speed on what Twitter is all about? To check out Twitter 101, click here.

For the Big Bowl Vote Toolkit that includes everything you’ll need to quickly and easily implement your local student questionnaire, with additional ideas on student engagement and follow-up activities, click here.

Visit or contact Michelle Morse at with questions or for more information.