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Sustainability Planning Intensive Training Course

This 7-session intensive training course offers an interactive experience for participants to learn how to develop a sustainability plan. Sustainability planning is an intentional process of looking critically at your current prevention infrastructure, strategic planning process, and strategies to sustain meaningful prevention outcomes beyond current funding. Additional steps in sustainability planning include priority setting, resource and feasibility analysis, communication planning, and resource and grant development.


The facilitator will demonstrate how to use a set of tools to facilitate sustainability planning with community partners and will coach participants to set actionable steps and timelines to complete a plan over the next year. This course offers structured, skill-based learning opportunities, readings, and learning assignments to complete between sessions, along with group activities and discussions to enhance application of the new skills.


Important Note: This is not a webinar series. It is a highly interactive virtual training series and full participation during all sessions is required.

Date and Time: 
January 25, 2024 - 7:30am to 9:00am