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Home » Project ECHO: Addressing Alcohol Misuse Prevention for the 21st Century

Project ECHO: Addressing Alcohol Misuse Prevention for the 21st Century

Alcohol continues to be the most widely misused substance in our communities with harmful impacts on health outcomes across the lifespan. Nationally, excessive alcohol use contributes to more than 140,000 deaths each year, including over 6000 deaths each year in New England alone. However, evidence-based prevention strategies can be effective in reducing alcohol misuse when prevention professionals have the tools and knowledge to advocate for strong alcohol policies and community approaches to alcohol prevention.


Join this intensive Project ECHO learning community to gain knowledge and skills to address issues related to alcohol misuse in your community with strategies supported by prevention science. The overall goal of this ECHO is to increase the use of evidence-based approaches for alcohol misuse prevention among prevention professionals in New England.


This intensive Project ECHO will meet from 12:00-1:00 on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, January 25-April 25, 2024.

Date and Time: 
January 25, 2024 - 9:00am to 10:00am