Tobacco use prevention

Addressing tobacco use is a state priority.

Tobacco use by youth in Washington State:

  • Among current vapor product users, nicotine is the most common substance 10th grade youth report as 'vaped' (Healthy Youth Survey, 2023).
  • Among 10th grade youth who use tobacco or vapor products, 68 percent report acquiring the products through social sources (Healthy Youth Survey, 2023).
What is Washington doing to prevent tobacco use?

Tobacco and vapor 21

In early 2019, Engrossed House Bill 1074 was passed. Effective January 1, 2020, it will be illegal to sell tobacco or vapor products to anyone under 21. For individuals and community groups working to raise awareness and understanding of the new law, a Community Education Packet is available. Consider visiting the following website for additional information and resources:

In late 2019, the age to purchase tobacco was raised to 21 with the signing of some Federal appropriations.

State-wide initiatives focused on tobacco

Prevention strategies are being implemented throughout the state at local, county, and state levels, across the Continuum of Care that influence multiple domains and risk and protective factors. Here is a list of some state-wide initiatives focused specifically on tobacco:

Synar stakeholder information

The Synar Amendment requires states to enact and enforce laws prohibiting the sale or distribution of tobacco products to individuals under the age of 21. Each state is required to completed unannounced compliance checks of tobacco retailers and report the violation rate annually to the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Washington State Synar stakeholder information:

Retailer education

Community groups can play a key part in keeping tobacco and vapor products out of the hands of youth by reaching out to their local retailers. Here are some resources to help:

Community library - Tobacco, nicotine, and vaping

Community library - tobacco

Community library - e-cigarettes and vape

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Who can I contact for more information about tobacco use prevention?

Ray Horodowicz
Prevention System Manager