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Home » JUUL Vapor Products

JUUL Vapor Products

Posted on behalf of the Washington State Department of Health:

JUUL is a type of e-cigarette/vapor product that is relatively new to the vapor product market and has become increasingly popular, especially among youth. JUULs are easy to conceal, as they very closely resemble a USB drive, can be charged in a USB port, and emit little to no detectable vapor or odor. The e-liquid contains .7 ml nicotine by volume, and 5% nicotine by weight. This is roughly equivalent to the amount of nicotine in a pack of cigarettes. Every flavored JUUL pod contains nicotine and they can be taken apart to allow for the user to add additional substances or liquid.

The U.S. Surgeon General stated that vapor products are still the most common tobacco product among youth, and e-cigarette/vapor product use is strongly associated with the use of other tobacco products among youth and young adults, particularly the use of combustible tobacco products. Please share the available resources below with your CPWI communities, partners, and stakeholders.

The Washington State Tobacco and Vapor Product Prevention and Control Program (TVPPCP) has recently been made aware that the manufacturer of JUUL has contacted some schools in several states seeking their participation in a prevention program designed by the e-cigarette manufacturer. The tobacco industry has a long history of sponsoring youth prevention programming that ultimately undermine evidence-based tobacco control efforts, and JUUL is no different. The TVPPCP and partners have shared this information with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) as well as the Educational Service Districts throughout the State, instructing them to reject these offers if approached by the manufacturers of JUULs and/or offered funding to support the implementation of this program, and to immediately contact the Washington State Department of Health, Stacia Wasmundt, Youth Tobacco and Vapor Product Prevention Consultant,, 360-236-2568.

Want more information to share with your coalition or community, see the attached letter and talking points.

You may find these to be helpful, which are also mentioned in the attached letter:


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