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July 10, 2014

The following is courtesy of Derek Franklin, Project Director of the Mercer Island Communities That Care Coalition.


Attached is an example of the City of Mercer Island's response to a notification from the Washington State Liquor Control Board for a marijuana retail applicant in the community.  This is being shared in case it is useful to others.


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July 7, 2014

Update:  As of July 9, slots for this training are filled.  There is a waiting list, so if interested, still contact Margaret or Tiffany.  (Scroll lower for contact information.)

Guiding Good Choices Facilitator Training

Training Dates: 
August 5th, 6th and 7th...

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June 29, 2014

It’s here! The 2014 Peer Leadership Seminars. There are two separate events - July 8th in Federal Way, and July 10th in Spokane. If you are strongly interested and experienced in mental health leadership and advocacy, please fill out the...

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June 28, 2014

The UDETC offers no-cost distance learning opportunities featuring courses that present best practices and strategies for enforcement of underage drinking laws and efforts to reduce underage drinking. Funded by an OJJDP grant, these web-based, on-line courses allow flexible scheduling, reduce travel costs and offer the ability to learn at your own pace in an online environment. Participants can...

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June 28, 2014

New research from the University of Otago shows that reducing the minimum alcohol purchasing age to 18 in December 1999, was associated with an increase in assaults of 15-19 year-old males in New Zealand.

The study examined characteristics of patients admitted to New Zealand hospitals with assault injuries on weekends four years before, and up to 12 years after, the law change. Researchers compared assault rates among...

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June 28, 2014

With marijuana retail stores slated to open in early July, the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) is launching a campaign to remind those planning on patronizing the new businesses that driving high is illegal. The campaign is called “Drive High, Get a DUI.”

The new messaging...

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June 28, 2014

The Toolkit that several of you have been involved in planning, developing, reviewing, and re-reviewing for many months is now complete and posted in an announcement on the STN homepage:  Many thanks to those of you who were involved in this project, and special thanks to Mary Segawa, Cristal Connelly, and DBHR staff Sarah...

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June 15, 2014

Deadline: August 14, 2014

Established in 2000, the Seattle-based Moyer Foundation supports programs that serve the critical needs of children in severe distress, enabling them to live healthy and inspired lives.

To that end, the foundation is awarding grants of up to $...

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June 15, 2014

Welcome to SPRC's online training site. Our mission is to train service providers, educators, health professionals, public officials, and community-based coalitions to develop effective suicide prevention programs and policies.

SPRC's online courses are listed below. All courses are available free of charge and can be...

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June 14, 2014

June 27, 2014 - 8 - 10 PM - D & R Theatre

205 South St. Aberdeen, WA, 98520


RIR All-Star Band


Musical Directors of RIR All-Star Band:

  • Mark Bosch - (Ian Hunter, Rant Band, Garland Jeffries)
  • Lou...
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May 30, 2014

Guides target both teens and parents with up-to-date science-based facts on marijuana

Marijuana Facts for Teens

Two updated booklets about marijuana for teens and their parents will help families sort out marijuana myths from science-based facts. The revamped tools come from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health. These booklets are being released during the Substance Abuse and Mental...

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May 14, 2014

Back By Popular Demand ~ Extra Patrols Out In Search of Unbuckled AND Distracted Drivers “Click it or Ticket” Patrols Take Place Between May 19 and June 1

On the heels of the first-ever statewide distracted driving extra enforcement campaign, law enforcement officers will be out once again searching for not only unbuckled drivers but distracted drivers as part of the annual “Click it or Ticket” patrols.

In Clallam County, during the...

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May 14, 2014

Child passenger deaths while riding with an alcohol-impaired driver

Deaths among children riding with an alcohol-impaired driver have been declining, but alcohol-impaired driving remains a great threat to the safety of child passengers—in some states more than others. CDC, in collaboration with Erie Family Health Center, used data from 2001–2010 to study children under age 15 who were killed in a motor vehicle crash. The study “...

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