The site for substance use disorder prevention and mental health promotion professionals and volunteers.

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June 11, 2016

Earlier this week, the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) presented the 2016 Prevention Science Award to Dr. Kevin Haggerty, the Director of the Social Development Research group (SDRG) and Associate Professor at the University of Washington School of Social Work.  Dr. Haggerty is an international leader in the field of prevention research, developing and evaluating prevention strategies for more than 30 years.  For the past 25 years, Dr....

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June 11, 2016

Starting in the fall, a Mental Health & High School Curriculum Resource will be piloted in high schools across the state.  Project AWARE invites interested districts, buildings, or teachers to join in piloting the mental health unit with high school students.  

Registration due July 1th , 2016
Register here: ...

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June 8, 2016

Seattle Public Schools is hiring: Prevention Coalition Coordinator, part-time

The Prevention Coalition Coordinator organizes and maintains a community substance abuse prevention coalition. This part-time position provides staff assistance to the community coalition; recruits and trains coalition members; guides the continuous development and implementation of a community substance abuse prevention plan; and acts as a liaison between the community coalition and funders/evaluators....

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June 4, 2016

A new series of video-based trainings on coalition evaluation is now available on YouTube. The lead facilitator for the series is Dr. William Geary, founder of Global Evaluation Solutions and former Deputy Director of Evaluation and Research for CADCA’s National Coalition Institute.

The evaluation training series can be seen at:

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June 1, 2016


We are hosting a free 30-minute webinar for prevention and health professionals on: Intro to SPORT & InShape Prevention Plus Wellness Programss. 


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June 1, 2016


We are hosting a free 30-minute webinar for parents and professionals on: Parent Tools for Promoting Prevention Plus Wellness Lifestyles for Kids. 


Read more and register for the webinar:

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June 1, 2016


Want to learn how to implement the SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program with fidelity and effectiveness?  Become a Certified Program Implementer.    


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May 31, 2016

Apply today to receive support to implement...

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May 31, 2016

A-B Inbev, the Belgium-based, Brazilian-owned megabrewer has decided its Budweiser beer is worthy of the title "America."

Beginning May 23rd, the company is replacing the Budweiser logo with "America" on all 12-oz cans and bottles. Their labels are expected to include lyrics from The Star Spangled Banner and lines from the Pledge of Allegiance.

A website has been...

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May 31, 2016

Vancouver Sun

By Kim Pemberton

Drivers who use cellphones will soon face tougher penalties in British Columbia after the government announced Monday those caught breaking the rule will face escalating fines...

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May 26, 2016


Free Training Workshop to Become Certified to Implement SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness:

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May 25, 2016

2016 Washington State Exemplary Substance Abuse Prevention Awards - Nomination Packet

May 18, 2016

The Castle Rock CARE Coalition and Longview Anti-Drug Coalition are hosting a one day training on the Positive Culture Framework (PCF) with a special focus on Social Norms Marketing in Longview, WA at Youth and Family Link. The purpose of the training will be to teach participants about best practices for social norms marketing campaigns. We will also introduce the Positive Culture Framework which is grounded in the latest science and takes a cultural...

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May 14, 2016

Call for Abstracts:  

AHSR 2016 -  Addiction Health Services Research Conference
“New Frontiers in Addiction Health Services: Science, Practice, & Policy”


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May 14, 2016

Ending Violence So Children Can Thrive: Report of the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee on American Indian and Alaska Native Children Exposed to Violence

Created as part of the Justice Department’s Defending Childhood Initiative, this...

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